[PhotosPicker Bug iOS 16.0 beta 2] only deselect doesn't change PhotosPickerItem

  1. Pick 2 Photo with PhotosPicker
  2. Deselect 2 Photo in PhotosPicker And Done

selection(PhotosPickerItem) doesn't change

PhotosPicker(selection: $photoPickerItems,
             maxSelectionCount: 0,
             selectionBehavior: .ordered,
             matching: nil,
             preferredItemEncoding: .current,
             photoLibrary: .shared()) {
  Image(systemName: "photo")

Accepted Reply

Thanks for the report! This is now tracked by 99627358.


I've found the same issue. Deselection still doesn't work in Beta 4. I'm worry.

same in Beta 5.

Thanks for the report! This is now tracked by 99627358.