Auto fill request in Safari on macOS ignores UV required request

When the passkey is generated with user verification required options with macOS (w/ device password and w/o/ touchId), the operation requires user prompt to perform UV with device password. This is an expected behavior.

But, after successful registration, when trying to signin with auto-fill feature (conditional mediation), the signin process is failed on the RP side.

  • RP sets UV as required (since the generated credential is protected by UV and RP would like perform MFA with UV)
  • Safari shows the user account (which is registered before)
  • Select the registered user account
  • No UV is performed and Safari returns the assertion response
  • RP rejects the assertion response since the requested options are not respected (expected UV flag is true, but currently UF flag is set as false with no UV performed).
  • When authentication is requested with Modal UI, then the authentication performs the UV and the returned UV flag is set as true. (correct and expected behavior)

Expected behavior

  • Safari should respect UV required when handling such request with Auto-fill.

FYI, I'm not tested with this scenario with other macOS (w/ touch Id).


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