Observe currentEDRHeadroom for changes

Is there a way to observe the currentEDRHeadroom property of UIScreen for changes? KVO is not working for this property...

I understand that I can query the current headroom in the draw(...) method to adapt the rendering. However, our apps only render on-demand when the user changes parameters. But we would also like to re-render when the current EDR headroom changes to adapt the tone mapping to the new environment.

The only solution we've found so far is to continuously query the screen for changes, which doesn't seem ideal. It would be better if the property would be observable via KVO or if there would be a system notification to listen for.


Also filed as FB11965555. Thanks!

Observing UIScreenBrightnessDidChangeNotification as a proxy to the headroom updating seems to work.

Observe currentEDRHeadroom for changes