Strange chinese character next to the iPhone folder name and different format of images

I was wondering if anyone has same problem. When i plug the iphone to my windows laptop the folders in iphone showing a chinese word next to the folder name. Also images format having different type of word and when i copy them to the windows, it doesn't recognize them as images.

I have already erase the iphone and when plug again, same issue is there. Please refer attached two pics. I'm running IOS 17 public beta.

I just noticed this today as well.. Haven't found any info as of yet. If I find anything, will update the thread.

Having same issue since installing iOS 17 PB. Temporary workaround in order to use picture files in Windows is to delete the last character in the file type. I.e. rename the file from *.JPG茀 to *.JPG

I have same problem, strange character at the end of directories and photos.

Eversince i got the beta installed same thing happenig to me as well. The folders are all appended with a chinese character (爀) and it translates to "effort" not sure what is the context though

Same here, it was fine using iOS 16 but once upgraded to iOS 17 Beta, these characters appeared at my folders and most of my photos...very strange...Please help iOS developer team.

This is the problem I have experienced for a month. Is it a solution to return ios 16? Have anybody tried? I have a lot of photos on iphone and afraid to loose them.

I have just found a temporary solution for Windows. Copy all image files to a Windows folder, then create a txt file in the same folder. Write the code below in txt file: inline-code ren . *.JPG After that change the extension of .txt file to ".bat" and double click to run. You will see that all strange extensions normalised.

Is there any fix for this issue from iOS developer team?

one of the temporary solutions, for now, is using PowerShell to rename the files and remove special characters from extension using the below command

Get-ChildItem *.DNGȀ | Rename-Item -NewName { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($_.Name, "DNG") }

The above command will remove the special command from DNG file types only. It is useful if you have multiples Image types in copied folder. I found it simple and quick instead of creating a shell script as Apple developers, will hopefully, soon fix this issue.

Good news! I am writing from latest iOS 17 Developer Beta version. As I see this problem has been fixed.

Strange chinese character next to the iPhone folder name and different format of images