Unable to stream from DJI Action Cam 3

I was hopeful that I would be able to record video from an external action camera such as the DJI Action Cam 3. The DJI action cam has a webcam mode that can be enabled as soon as one plugs it to a device, such as a macbook or an iPad. On the Macbook, the DJI shows up as an external camera for use in facetime or quicktime.

But when I plug it into the iPad and use the AVCam sample from here, I notice that the camera preview comes up when the AVCam app is in photo mode but as soon as I switch the video mode, the preview layer hangs. No error message or AVCaptureSession errors that I could see.

The same code works when using the Apple studio as an external camera.

Curious if anyone has had any luck figuring this out? So near yet so far.

@krissb78 was wondering if you have any update on this? Just ordered DJI Action 4 and was hoping that it would work with an iOS 17 iPad pro.

My DJI Action 4 just arrived and the webcam mode seems to work great with my iPad pro updated to whatever the latest iPadOS 17 beta is.

Unable to stream from DJI Action Cam 3