What is the correct flag for "***"-version-min?

macOS flag is: -mmacosx-version-min=xx.yy

iphoneos flag is: -mios-version-min=xx.yy

iphonesimulator flag is: -mios-simulator-version-min=xx.yy

but for xros things are going crazy ....

xros flag -mtargetos=xrosxx.yy works well

xrsimulator flag -mtargetos=xrosxx.yy or -mtargetos=xrsimulatorxx.yy

are not working

Does anyone no which is the right flag

Answered by TungstenT in 764915022

I do, and yes, those flags will not work.

For visionOS, the flags changed to -target arm64-apple-xros1.0 for the device, and -target arm64-apple-xros1.0-simulator for the simulator.

Accepted Answer

I do, and yes, those flags will not work.

For visionOS, the flags changed to -target arm64-apple-xros1.0 for the device, and -target arm64-apple-xros1.0-simulator for the simulator.

works with Xcode Beta 8

thank you

What is the correct flag for "***"-version-min?