Widgets on 15 Pros

My widgets come up blank on physical iPhone 15 Pros. They work fine on every other iPhone regardless of their iOS versions, but are always blank on the 15 Pros specifically. What can be the issue here? I am honestly clueless about this strange behaviour. Shot in the dark but could it be because of the new chip?

I have also made additional arrangements in the ui to make sure to support .containerBackground API while also supporting earlier supporting iOS 16 which does not have this API.


Managed to get some logs.

[[i**::**:QRCodeWidget:systemSmall::(null)]] Security policy determined view will be empty: Keybag unlocked; Policy would prefer live entry, but couldn't find one to show; Couldn't find a placeholder to show.

[:::QRCodeWidget] No extension session

Looks like the WidgetKit is pretty buggy. I am having other problem, after app reinstall (update) the widgets are blanks. Refuse to startup. reloadTimeline does not help. basically no contact. Furthermore, if I remove all the widgets, then add them again is still does not work. Uninstalling the app and then installing again help.. but the problem reappears when the app is updated.

Widgets on 15 Pros