MLTIO Unavailable in Simulator/iOS 17.x?

I'm trying to use MTLIO Resource Loading in XCode 15.1 b3, but MTLIOCommandQueue, Buffer, etc, come up as undefined types. The Apple sample MetalFastResourceLoading seems to work. But creating a new project from template doesn't recognize the symbols. Anyone see similar?

Digging in, it seems the MTLIOCommandQueue.h file in Simulator 17.2 only contains

#import <Metal/MTLDefines.h> #import <Metal/MTLDevice.h>

Whereas the working sample that links to 14.x contains lots of code. Also, the iOS 17.2 Framework ALSO contains headers with code. However, building for device also comes up with undefined symbols.

In addition, the documentation for the type

lists support for iOS 16+, Vision Beta, etc. Does anyone know if earlier betas work?

MLTIO Unavailable in Simulator/iOS 17.x?