I want to convert this uikit code to swiftui

I want to convert this uikit code to swiftui but i have some problems and it doesn't work, please help me

See LICENSE folder for this sample’s licensing information.

The sample app's main view controller.

import UIKit
import RealityKit
import ARKit
import Combine

class ViewController: UIViewController, ARSessionDelegate {

    @IBOutlet var arView: ARView!
    var character: BodyTrackedEntity?
    let characterOffset: SIMD3<Float> = [-1.0, 0, 0] 
    let characterAnchor = AnchorEntity()
    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        arView.session.delegate = self
        guard ARBodyTrackingConfiguration.isSupported else {
            fatalError("This feature is only supported on devices with an A12 chip")

        // 运行人体跟踪配置。
        let configuration = ARBodyTrackingConfiguration()
        var cancellable: AnyCancellable? = nil
        cancellable = Entity.loadBodyTrackedAsync(named: "character/robot").sink(
            receiveCompletion: { completion in
                if case let .failure(error) = completion {
                    print("Error: Unable to load model: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        }, receiveValue: { (character: Entity) in
            if let character = character as? BodyTrackedEntity {
                character.scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
                self.character = character
            } else {
                print("Error: Unable to load model as BodyTrackedEntity")
    func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
        for anchor in anchors {
            guard let bodyAnchor = anchor as? ARBodyAnchor else { continue }
            // 更新角色定位点位置的位置。
            let bodyPosition = simd_make_float3(bodyAnchor.transform.columns.3)
            characterAnchor.position = bodyPosition + characterOffset
            characterAnchor.orientation = Transform(matrix: bodyAnchor.transform).rotation
            if let character = character, character.parent == nil {
                // 1. the body anchor was detected and
                // 2. the character was loaded.

Here's the code I wrote in SwiftUI

import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import ARKit
import Combine

struct ContentView : View {
    var body: some View {

struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {
    var character: BodyTrackedEntity?
    let characterOffset: SIMD3<Float> = [-1.0, 0, 0] /
    let characterAnchor = AnchorEntity()
    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
        let arView = ARView(frame: .zero)
        guard ARBodyTrackingConfiguration.isSupported else {
            fatalError("This feature is only supported on devices with an A12 chip")
        let configuration = ARBodyTrackingConfiguration()
        var cancellable: AnyCancellable? = nil
        cancellable = Entity.loadBodyTrackedAsync(named: "character/robot").sink(
            receiveCompletion: { completion in
                if case let .failure(error) = completion {
                    print("Error: Unable to load model: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        }, receiveValue: { (character: Entity) in
            if let character = character as? BodyTrackedEntity {
                character.scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
                self.character = character
            } else {
                print("Error: Unable to load model as BodyTrackedEntity")
        return arView
    func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}
    func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
        for anchor in anchors {
            guard let bodyAnchor = anchor as? ARBodyAnchor else { continue }
            let bodyPosition = simd_make_float3(bodyAnchor.transform.columns.3)
            characterAnchor.position = bodyPosition + characterOffset
            characterAnchor.orientation = Transform(matrix: bodyAnchor.transform).rotation
            if let character = character, character.parent == nil {
                // 1. the body anchor was detected and
                // 2. the character was loaded.

#Preview {
Answered by Claude31 in 775101022

it doesn't work That gives no useful information.

Please explain exactly what is not working:

  • what do you expect
  • what do you get
  • Does it crash or produce unexpected results ?
  • do you get compiler errors, crash report ?
Accepted Answer

it doesn't work That gives no useful information.

Please explain exactly what is not working:

  • what do you expect
  • what do you get
  • Does it crash or produce unexpected results ?
  • do you get compiler errors, crash report ?

This code first starts the human detection function (Func setupARConfiguration), then loads the model onto the character (Func loadbody) through asynchronous loading, and attaches the character to the CharacterAnchor (Func session) ,But it don't work , please help me!

No errors were generated

//  ContentView.swift
//  Body Tracking
//  Created by Artyom Mihailovich on 9/7/20.

import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import ARKit
import Combine

var character: BodyTrackedEntity?
let characterOffset: SIMD3<Float> = [-1.0, 0, 0] 
let characterAnchor = AnchorEntity()

struct ContentView : View {
    var body: some View {
        return ARViewContainer().edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)

struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
        let arView = ARView(frame: .zero)
        return arView
    func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}

extension ARView: ARSessionDelegate {
    func setupARConfiguration() {
        let configuration = ARBodyTrackingConfiguration()
        self.session.delegate = self
    func loadbody(){
        var cancellable: AnyCancellable? = nil
        cancellable = Entity.loadBodyTrackedAsync(named: "robot.usdz").sink(
            receiveCompletion: { completion in
                if case let .failure(error) = completion {
                    print("Error: Unable to load model: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        }, receiveValue: { (character: Entity) in
            if let character = character as? BodyTrackedEntity {
                // 将角色缩放到人类大小
                character.scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            } else {
                print("Error: Unable to load model as BodyTrackedEntity")

    public func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
        for anchor in anchors {
            guard let bodyAnchor = anchor as? ARBodyAnchor else { continue }

            let bodyPosition = simd_make_float3(bodyAnchor.transform.columns.3)
            characterAnchor.position = bodyPosition + characterOffset

            characterAnchor.orientation = Transform(matrix: bodyAnchor.transform).rotation
            if let character = character, character.parent == nil {


struct ContentView_Previews : PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
I want to convert this uikit code to swiftui