First, I scan first room using the roomplan api. Because I need scan second room, I stop it by “captureSession.stop(pauseARSession: false)”, I think the Arsession is continue work at that time.
Second, before the another room will scan, I want to run another ARView. (in order to detect some objects which are not detected by Roomplan in first room)
But, at this time, the second ARView(there is an ARView in roomplan, I think) will always black screen, can’t normally work. This is the question I want to resolve. Please help me let the second ARView go well.
Discuss spatial computing on Apple platforms and how to design and build an entirely new universe of apps and games for Apple Vision Pro.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
How do I convert a blend shape/morphed 3D lip-synced model into a usdz that will play in AR on an iPhone?
In Vision OS app, We have two types of windows:
Main App Window – This is the default window that launches when the app starts. It displays the video listings and other primary content.
Immersive Space Window – This opens only when a user starts streaming or playing a video.
When entering the immersive space, the main app window remains visible in front of it unless manually closed. To avoid this, I currently close the main window when transitioning to immersive space and reopen it when exiting. However, this causes the app to restart instead of resuming from its previous state.
Desired Behavior:
I want the main app window to retain its state and seamlessly resume from where it was before entering immersive mode, rather than restarting.
Attempts & Challenges:
Tried managing opacity, visibility, and state preservation, but none worked as expected.
Couldn’t find a way to push the main window to the background while bringing the immersive space to the foreground.
Looking for a solution to keep the main window’s state intact while transitioning between immersive and normal modes.
I am develop visionOS app. I am now very interested in Metal and Compositor Services, but I have not explored them in depth. I know that Metal has a higher degree of control freedom. I am wondering if using Compositor Services will have fewer functions than RealityKit in AR technology (such as scene reconstruction and understanding, hover effect, etc.).
In Vision OS app, I have two types of windows:
Main App Window – This is the default window that launches when the app starts. It displays the video listings and other primary content.
Immersive Space Window – This opens only when a user starts streaming or playing a video.
When entering the immersive space, the main app window remains visible in front of it unless manually closed. To avoid this, I currently close the main window when transitioning to immersive space and reopen it when exiting from immersive space. However, this causes the app to restart instead of resuming from its previous state.
Desired Behavior:
I want the main app window to retain its state and seamlessly resume from where it was before entering immersive mode, rather than restarting.
Attempts & Challenges:
Tried managing opacity, visibility but none worked as expected.
Couldn’t find a way to push the main window to the background while bringing the immersive space to the foreground.
Looking for a solution to keep the main window’s state intact while transitioning between immersive and normal modes.
A lot of the RealityKit APIs (Ex. LowLevelMesh, LowLevelTexture, etc.) are marked with MainActor so they needed to be accessed on the main thread.
This creates issues when we need to perform expensive GPU related operations since now we need to perform those on the main thread. This results in bottlenecks and hangs in our application. We would like to use a multi-threaded approach to solve these problems which is difficult to do here. We are constantly streaming data whether the app is just appearing or the user is interacting with our application so we need to be able to perform these operations on a separate thread.
Any advice on how to achieve this using RealityKit?
Thank you.
I am currently creating an app where two people share an instance of an immersive space so that they are able to point to certain things in the immersive space. Right now, other people are hidden behind the immersive space, and even with people awareness enabled for everything, people are still too difficult to see. I've found this documentation ( which describes what I want to do, but it is only listed as working on iOS an iPadOS. Is there anything similar to this that will work on VisionOS?
I attempted to run a sample project for detecting human pose in photos, which can be found here:
The project works perfectly when run on my Macbook Pro M1, but it fails on Apple Vision Pro. After selecting the photo an endless loading screen is presented and the following output is produced in the console:
Failed to initialize 2D Detection Algorithm.
Failed to initialize 2D Pose Estimation Algorithm.
Failed to initialize algorithm modules
Network path is nil: (null)
Failed to initialize 2D Detection Algorithm.
Failed to initialize 2D Pose Estimation Algorithm.
Failed to initialize algorithm modules
Unable to perform the request: Error Code=9 "Async status object reported as failed but without an error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Async status object reported as failed but without an error}.
de-activating session 70138 after timeout
It seems that VNDetectHumanBodyPose3DRequest is failing on Vision Pro for some reason. Are there any additional requirements for running Vision framework on VisionOS, that I might be missing?
I attempted running a sample project for detecting human pose in 3D with vision framework, that can be found here:
It works perfectly on my Macbook Pro M1, but fails on Apple Vision Pro. After selecting a photo, an endless loading screen is displayed and the following message is produced in the console:
Failed to initialize 2D Detection Algorithm.
Failed to initialize 2D Pose Estimation Algorithm.
Failed to initialize algorithm modules
Network path is nil: (null)
Failed to initialize 2D Detection Algorithm.
Failed to initialize 2D Pose Estimation Algorithm.
Failed to initialize algorithm modules
Unable to perform the request: Error Code=9 "Async status object reported as failed but without an error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Async status object reported as failed but without an error}.
de-activating session 70138 after timeout
Is human pose detection expected to work on VisionOS? Is there any special configuration required, that I might be missing?
I'm having a heck of a time getting this to work. I'm trying to add an event notification at the end of a timeline animation to trigger something in code but I'm not receiving the notification from RC Pro. I've watched that Compose Interactive 3D Content video quite a few times now and have tried many different ways. RC Pro has the correct ID names on the notifications. I'm not a programmer at all. Just a lowly 3D artist. Here is my code...
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent
extension Notification.Name {
static let button1Pressed = Notification.Name("button1pressed")
static let button2Pressed = Notification.Name("button2pressed")
static let button3Pressed = Notification.Name("button3pressed")
struct MainButtons: View {
@State private var transitionToNextSceneForButton1 = false
@State private var transitionToNextSceneForButton2 = false
@State private var transitionToNextSceneForButton3 = false
@Environment(AppModel.self) var appModel
@Environment(\.dismissWindow) var dismissWindow
// Notification publishers for each button
private let button1PressedReceived = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .button1Pressed)
private let button2PressedReceived = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .button2Pressed)
private let button3PressedReceived = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .button3Pressed)
var body: some View {
ZStack {
RealityView { content in
// Load your RC Pro scene that contains the 3D buttons.
if let immersiveContentEntity = try? await Entity(named: "MainButtons", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
// Optionally attach a gesture if you want to debug a generic tap:
TapGesture().targetedToAnyEntity().onEnded { value in
print("3D Object tapped")
_ = value.entity.applyTapForBehaviors()
// Do not post a test notification here—rely on RC Pro timeline events.
.onAppear {
dismissWindow(id: "main")
// Remove any test notification posting code.
// Listen for distinct button notifications.
.onReceive(button1PressedReceived) { (output) in
print("Button 1 pressed notification received")
transitionToNextSceneForButton1 = true
.onReceive(button2PressedReceived.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)) { _ in
print("Button 2 pressed notification received")
transitionToNextSceneForButton2 = true
.onReceive(button3PressedReceived.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)) { _ in
print("Button 3 pressed notification received")
transitionToNextSceneForButton3 = true
// Present next scenes for each button as needed. For example, for button 1:
.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $transitionToNextSceneForButton1) {
// You can add additional fullScreenCover modifiers for button 2 and 3 transitions.
Spatial Computing
Reality Composer Pro
Graphics and Games
Reality Composer Pro
Sorry for the cross-post but it's now two days in and this isn't fixed.
If you try to use Xcode 16.3b3 with visionOS, it won't download the visionOS SDK, gives a 'network error' so you can't use the latest beta for Apple Vision Pro.
I am experiencing an issue where USDZ files exported from Blender do not display textures when opened in Apple Vision Pro Quick Look. Instead of the expected materials, the model appears completely white, as if the textures are missing or not being recognized by the rendering engine.
Spatial Computing
I have been using ARKit to get hand tracking data on a continuous loop by implementing the AnchorUpdateSequence.
I want to try out the .predicted hand tracking, but it seems as though using ARKit session and HandTrackingProvider do not allow me to enable this feature?
The goal is to achieve precise joint tracking for clinical assessment. The Doctor is wearing the AVP and observing the Patients movement.
Do you have any recommended best practices for integrating real-time joint tracking and displaying them on the patient within visionOS?
We attempted to use VNHumanBodyPose3DObservation, which theoretically should work, but we are unable to display the detected joints in an Immersive Space for real-time validation. This makes it difficult for the doctor to ensure accurate tracking and if possible a photo or video of the Range of Motion assessment would be needed for the patient record.
Are there alternative methods to achieve precise real-time joint tracking without requiring main camera access (
I am developing an app which needs high-quality immersion on VisionOS. I found that when some messages pop up, the virtual object will get transparent so the immersion is broken. How could I disable such pop-up messages when the ImmersiveSpace is open
I am using Entity of RealityKit to display virtual content, however I find that sometimes the real object in front of the virtual content can not occulude the virtual content.
For example, I place an Entity in a room, but when I walk into another room, I can still see the Entity through the wall.
I wonder how should I fix the problem. Thank you!
I am trying the image tracking of ARKit on VisionPro, but there seems to be some problem when adding reference image.
Here is my code:
let images = ReferenceImage.loadReferenceImages(inGroupNamed: "photos")
print("Images: \(images)")
try await appState![imageTracking])
It can successfully print those images, however sometimes it will print the error message like this:
ARImageTrackingRemoteService: Adding reference image <ARReferenceImage: 0x3032399e0 name="chair" physicalSize=(0.070, 0.093)> failed.
When this error message is printed, the corresponding image can not be tracked.
I do not understand why this will happen, because sometimes the image can be successfully added, but other time not, even for the same image. It makes my app not stable.
Besides, there are some other error messages, and I do not know whether it is related:
ARPredictorRemoteService <0x1042154a0>: Query queue is not running.
Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background) (00000006:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorBackgroundExecutionNotPermitted)
We are developing an AR app that requires the lidar meshes. Unfortunately the ARMeshAnchors that allows us to retrieve the mesh data are very unreliable. It happens very often that the ARSession removes all ARMeshAnchors and takes anywhere from 5s to 30s to reappear. The planes detection (ARPlaneAnchors) are still working fine and the camera tracking is also working normally.
I tried a basic ARKit sample app, and got the same behaviour as our own app.
Is this a known issue ? Anything we can do to mitigate the issue ?
Thank you
Spatial Computing
When processing an ARPlaneAnchor geometry using its ARPlaneGeometry, the triangleIndices is an array of Int16. It's supposed to be an index buffer, which can only be uint16 or uint32 metal. What am I supposed to do with negative indices ? Negative indices are rare but do appear sometimes.
Thank you
Spatial Computing
My VisionOS App (Travel Immersive) has two interface windows: a main 2D interface window and a 3D Earth window. If the user first closes the main interface window and then the Earth window, clicking the app icon again will only launch the Earth window while failing to display the main interface window. However, if the user closes the Earth window first and then the main interface window, the app restarts normally.
Below is the code of
import SwiftUI
struct Travel_ImmersiveApp: App {
@StateObject private var appModel = AppModel()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup(id: "MainWindow") {
.onDisappear {
appModel.closeEarthWindow = true
.defaultSize(width: 1280, height: 825)
WindowGroup(id: "Earth") {
if !appModel.closeEarthWindow {
.onDisappear {
appModel.isGlobeWindowOpen = false
} else {
EmptyView() // 关闭时渲染空视图
.defaultSize(width: 0.8, height: 0.8, depth: 0.8, in: .meters)
ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveView") {