Hi there,
I'm trying to merge the mesh anchor into a single mesh, but couldn't find any resources on this. Here is the code where I make the mesh from each mesh anchor, and assigned it to a model component with a shader graph material.
func run(_ sceneRec: SceneReconstructionProvider) async {
for await update in sceneRec.anchorUpdates {
switch update.event {
case .added, .updated:
// Get or create entity for this anchor
let anchorEntity = anchors[update.anchor.id] ?? {
let entity = ModelEntity()
anchors[update.anchor.id] = entity
return entity
// Remove any existing children
for child in anchorEntity.children {
// Generate the mesh from the anchor
guard let mesh = try? await MeshResource(from: update.anchor) else { return }
guard let shape = try? await ShapeResource.generateStaticMesh(from: update.anchor) else { continue }
print("Mesh added, vertices: \(update.anchor.geometry.vertices.count), bounds: \(mesh.bounds)")
// Get the material to use
var material: RealityKit.Material
if isMaterialLoaded, let loadedMaterial = self.shaderMaterial {
material = loadedMaterial
} else {
// Use a temporary material until the shader loads
var tempMaterial = UnlitMaterial()
tempMaterial.color = .init(tint: .purple.withAlphaComponent(0.5))
material = tempMaterial
await MainActor.run {
anchorEntity.components.set(ModelComponent(mesh: mesh, materials: [material]))
anchorEntity.setTransformMatrix(update.anchor.originFromAnchorTransform, relativeTo: nil)
// Add collision component with static flag - required for spatial interactions
shapes: [shape],
isStatic: true,
filter: .default
// Make entity interactive - enables spatial taps, drags, etc.
let shadowComponent = GroundingShadowComponent(
castsShadow: true,
receivesShadow: true
I then use a spatial tap gesture to set the position parameter in the shader graph material that creates a nice gradient from the tap position on the mesh to the rest of the mesh.
.onEnded { value in
let tappedEntity = value.entity
// Check if the tapped entity is a child of tracking.meshAnchors
if isChildOfMeshAnchors(entity: tappedEntity) {
// Get local position (in the entity's coordinate space)
let localPosition = value.location3D
// Convert to world position (scene coordinate space)
let worldPosition = value.convert(localPosition, from: .local, to: .scene)
print("Tapped mesh anchor at local position: \(localPosition)")
print("Tapped mesh anchor at world position: \(worldPosition)")
// Update the material parameter with the tap position
updateMaterialTapPosition(entity: tappedEntity, position: worldPosition)
} else {
print("Tapped entity is not a mesh anchor")
My issue is that because there are several mesh anchors, the gradient often gets cut off by the edge of the mesh generated from the mesh anchor as suppose to a nice continuous gradient across the entire scene reconstructed mesh I couldn't find any documentations on how to merge mesh from mesh anchors, any tips would be helpful! Thank you!
Discuss spatial computing on Apple platforms and how to design and build an entirely new universe of apps and games for Apple Vision Pro.
In an earlier beta, BillboardComponent had rotationAxis and upDirection properties which allowed more fine-grained control of how an entity rotates towards the camera.
Currently, it is only possible to orient the z axis of the entity.
Looking at the robot in the documentation, the rotation of its z axis causes its feet to lift off the ground.
Before, it was possible to restrain the rotation to one axis (y, for example) so that the robot's feet stayed on the ground with
billboard.upDirection = [0, 1, 0]
billboard.rotationAxis = [0, 1, 0]
Is there an alternative way to achieve this? Are these properties (or similar) coming back?
I'm trying to view the components of an Entity I'm creating in RealityKit by reading from a USDZ file. I have the following code snippet in my app.
if let appleEntity = try? Entity.loadModel(named: "apple_tile") {
let c = appleEntity.components
for comp in c { // <- compiler error here
The compiler error I'm receiving says "For-in loop requires 'Entity.ComponentSet' to conform to 'Sequence'". However, I thought this was the case, according to the documentation for Entity.ComponentSet?
Curious if anyone else has had this problem. Running XCode 15.4, and my Swift version is
xcrun swift -version
swift-driver version: Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-macosx14.0
Can an app made with the Room Plan API be used on iPhones without LIDAR? If so, how much accuracy would be lost compared to iPhones with LIDAR?
If not, is there an API similar to RoomPlan that works on iPhones without LiDAR?
When I get close to an Entity in RealityKit wearing VisionPro. The Entity will become transparent so I can distinguish it is rendering by VisionPro instead of an object in reality world. How can I make it not transparent when I get close to the Entity?
I want adding grounding shadow on my Entity in RealityView on visionPro. However it seems that the shadow can only appear on another Entity. So I using plane detection in ARKit and add a transparent plane on it to render shadow.
let planeEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generatePlane(width: anchor.geometry.extent.width, height: anchor.geometry.extent.height), materials: [material])
planeEntity.components.set(OpacityComponent(opacity: 0.0))
But sometimes there will be a border around my Entityon the plane.
I do not know why it will happen, and I want remove the border.
I am using ARKit to detect image in visionPro. However I met some question about adding the reference image.
Some of my images can not be added correctly sometimes. (As you can see in the picture above, the 'orange' can not be added correctly, but the 'cup' can). However, sometimes they will be added without any problem. I do not know why it will happen. And I want they all be added steadily.
I am wondering, is it possible to somehow configure a 3D object to respond to the gaze of a person, like change colors of some parts of the 3D-Model where a person is looking, i.e. where a person's gaze lands on the surface of the 3D-model ?
For example, if there is a 3D model of a Cool Dragon 🐉 in the physical space of a person, when seen through with the mixed reality view, of a VisionPro. Now, it would be really cool to change only the color, or make some specific parts of the dragon skin shimmer, but only in the areas where a person is looking. Is this possible ? Is it do-able with eye-tracking of VisionPro ?
Any advice would be appreciated. 🤝 🤓 I am new to iOS and VisionOS development.
Hi, I'm developing a virtual camera system using ReplayKit to capture scene video by directly accessing raw video buffers. The capture mechanism works flawlessly when repeatedly starting and stopping video capture within a continuous immersive environment. However, a critical issue arises when interrupting the immersive space:
Step 1: Enter immersive environment and start and stop capture videos(Multiple times with no issues)
Step 2: Press the crown button to exit the immersive environment
Step 3: Return to the immersive space subsequently
Step 4: Attempt to start the video capture
At this point, the startCapture method throws an unexpected error, disrupting the video capture workflow.
This is the Xcode error that I see " [ERROR] -[RPScreenRecorder startCaptureWithHandler:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_2:500 failed to start due to error: Error Domain=com.apple.ReplayKit.RPRecordingErrorDomain Code=-5803 "Recording failed to start" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Recording failed to start}"
I have tried all possible ways to stopCapture including OnDisappear and other methods and nothing seems to solve this.
is it possible to dynamically update ModelPositionOffset of GeometryModifier with a depth map image?
in my code I set up the parameter for "DepthMapTexture" universal input node
and tried setting the depth map for depthTextureResource. I have 2 DrawableQueues. One for setting InputTexture, and one for setting DepthMapTexture. This only shows the part that concerns setting DepthMapTexture
this is where I define the plane entity.
and this is the shader graph
what I noticed with GeometryModifier is that, the depthMap image has to be same as input image's dimensions.
and when I applied this material to usdz file, with pre-assigned image and depth map from RCP, and loaded that Entity from code, depth map was applied correctly.
what I am unsure is that if it is impossible to define a model entity from code, apply ShaderGraphMaterial from RCP, and dynamically update the image used in GeometryModifier.
Maybe I'm missing something when defining Entity, something that allows geometric modifications?
I am developing a visionOS application and am interested in obtaining detailed data of users’ hands through ARKit, including but not limited to Transform and rotation angle. I have reviewed Happy Beem, but it appears to only introduce the method of identifying the user’s specific gestures.
Could you please advise on how to obtain the Transform and rotation angle of the user’s hand?
Thank you.
I'm trying to correct the lens distortion in frames provided by Enterprise API camera frame provider. The frames provided seem to have only in/extrinsics info, but not the distortion lookup table.
Is there some magic setting, or function to do that (I can't seem to find anything like this)? Or is there a way to use AVCameraCalibrationData together with provider?
We’ve been successfully using the RoomPlan API in our application for over two years. Recently, however, users have reported encountering persistent capture errors during their sessions. Specifically, the errors observed are:
What we have observed:
Persistent Errors: The errors continue to occur even after initiating new capture sessions.
Normal Usage: Our implementation adheres to typical usage patterns of the RoomPlan API without exceeding any documented room size limits.
Limited Feature Usage: We are not utilizing the WorldTracking feature for the StructureBuilder functionality to stitch rooms together.
Potential State Caching: Given that these errors persist across sessions, we suspect that there might be memory or state cached between sessions that is not being cleared, particularly since we are not taking advantage of StructureBuilder.
Could you please advise if there is any internal caching or memory retention between capture sessions that might lead to these errors? Additionally, we would appreciate guidance on how to clear or manage this state when the StructureBuilder feature is not in use.
Here is a generalised version of our capture session initialization code to help diagnose the issue.
struct RoomARCaptureView: UIViewRepresentable {
typealias Handler = (CapturedRoom, Error?) -> Void
@Binding var stop: Bool
@Binding var done: Bool
let completion: Handler?
func makeUIView(context: Self.Context) -> RoomCaptureView {
let view = RoomCaptureView(frame: .zero)
view.delegate = context.coordinator
view.captureSession.run(configuration: .init())
return view
func updateUIView(_ uiView: RoomCaptureView, context: Self.Context) {
if stop {
// Stop the session only once, multiple times causes issues with the final presentation
stop = false
done = true
static func dismantleUIView(_ uiView: RoomCaptureView, coordinator: Self.Coordinator) {
func makeCoordinator() -> ARViewCoordinator {
class ARViewCoordinator: NSObject, RoomCaptureViewDelegate {
var completion: Handler?
public required init?(coder: NSCoder) {}
public func encode(with coder: NSCoder) {}
public init(_ completion: Handler?) {
self.completion = completion
public func captureView(shouldPresent roomDataForProcessing: CapturedRoomData, error: (Error)?) -> Bool {
return true
public func captureView(didPresent processedResult: CapturedRoom, error: (Error)?) {
completion?(processedResult, error)
Thank you for your assistance.
I have been referencing the Object Tracking Tutorial from WWDC 2024 on Vision OS, how Create ML is used to create a reference object, and we can track them in the ARSession.
I am looking forward to building this feature on an AR app for iPhone, I am using iPhone 13 Pro Max. I have created couple of reference objects from the Create ML.
We applied for the visionOS enterprise permission license, which can help us improve object tracking capabilities on Vision Pro. However, we are unsure how to use it in Unity, specifically how to implement object tracking in Unity and increase the tracking speed.
I would like to know if there have been any updates that improved the image tracking speed. I submitted feedback a while ago, mentioning that the image tracking rate was only one frame per second on Vision Pro.
Thank you very much. FB15688516 and FB16745373is feedback we previously submitted, but we have not received any response yet.
I have a grpc server running inside of a task. When the user takes the headset off, the grpc server will no longer work when they put the headset back on.
I would like to have this action detected so that I can cancel the task (which will effectively close the grpc server).
I am also using a visual indicator to let the user know if the server is running, but it will not accurately reflect the state of the server when removing and putting back on the headset.
Hi !
I'm new on this forum, so if I need to update this post to have more info, or anything else, please let me know.
I'm using the Apple Vision Pro to develop some app (with unity). To demonstrate what the user see on the headset, I would like to mirror the view on a device (an iPad in this case). I managed to do this without any issue.
My problem is that, in the Vision Pro, I have an interface that the user can interact with. But I would like to be able to manage myself the interface on the iPad. What I mean is that the user can (or can't, doesn't matter) see the interface in the headset, and the interface is controlled by myself on the iPad.
Is there any way to do this ? Is this a question I should ask on unity's forum ? (I don't think so, because it should be related to the mirroring function non ?)
Hey everyone,
I'm working on an object viewer where users can place objects in a real room using AR, and I want both visionOS (Apple Vision Pro) and iOS devices (iPad, iPhone) to participate in the same shared spatial experience. The idea is that a user with a Vision Pro can place an object, and peers using iPhones/iPads can see the same object in the same position in their AR view.
I've looked into ARKit's Shared ARWorldMap and MultipeerConnectivity, but I'm not sure if this extends seamlessly to visionOS or if Apple has an official way to sync spatial data between visionOS and iOS devices.
Has anyone tried sharing a spatial world between visionOS and iOS?
Are there any built-in frameworks that allow for a shared multiuser AR session across these devices?
If not, what would be the best way to sync object positions between them?
Would love to hear if anyone has insights or experience with this! 🚀
I am developing an app in VisionPro using RealityKit and ARKit. I want my RealityKit entity looks more realistic. So it is important to render its shadow based on light in real world.
e.g. When I turn on the light in real world, the shadow of the entity will change. Can this effect be implemented in VisionPro?