Why didn't they use .task in the code sample?

If they had used .task they could have removed the class LocationsHandler: ObservableObject and simply done:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var lastLocation: CLLocation?

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
        .task {
                let updates = CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates()
                for try await update in updates {
                      if let loc = update.location {
                        self.lastLocation = loc

And saved themselves about 20 or so lines of code. .task was added in the year before so it isn't the case that it wasn't available to the CoreLocation team yet. To wrap async/await in a Combine's ObservableObject is very strange. They could have also used @AppStorage instead of UserDefaults and saved another few lines. To be honest this is some of the strangest SwiftUI code I've seen.

Why didn't they use .task in the code sample?