Umlauts broken in Sonoma 14.4?

When running my app from Xcode Umlauts are all of a sudden broken in several places. The app has been out in the public w/o similar issues for years.

For example, this is the result when entering a filename in my NSDocument-based app:

So far I could only observe the bug when launching under Sonoma from Xcode but I'm worried this might be a general issue for users of the app running the release build.

Any ideas about what happened in macOS 14.4..?


..same happening for labels (plain NSTextFields) in some views:

That looks like decomposed (NFD) unicode form, where an ä is a combination of an a and the two dots, encoded in separate unicode chars. And somehow Xcode(?) is unable to compose them as they should be. Weird. You might be able to fix this by running the strings thru code that re-composes into NFC format, but I guess you have already fixed them all by hand.

Thanks for the feedback but not that straightforward I'm afraid -

  • it's broken in Sonoma debug builds only,
  • happening mostly for Umlauts in filenames as entered by the user, I'm not 'in the loop' here -> all AppKit

(Save as -> user enters filename -> NSWindow shows broken document title)

And, weirdest of all as mentioned: Only current Xcode on Sonoma in debug mode.

Cheers, Jan

FWIW - it appears I can no longer replicate the issue on 14.5 (23F79) and either Xcode 15.3 or 15.4 on two different Macs..

Fingers crossed!

Umlauts broken in Sonoma 14.4?