fail install game porting toolkit

when i install game porting toolkit 1.1 ,i got an error as below: Error: Failure while executing; patch -g 0 -f -p0 exited with 2 ==> Installing game-porting-toolkit from apple/apple ==> Staging /Users/***/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/bf215bb93a68251243c69e19a3ba0d670aa82daad63a2bfe24d7ff0a11c2c969--crossover-sources-24.0.2.tar.gz in /private/tmp/game-porting-toolkit-20240520-35139-asrgp4 ==> Patching Error: Failure while executing; patch -g 0 -f -p0 exited with 2. Here's the output: patching file 'wine/include/distversion.h' patching file 'wine/configure

guys who knows how to fix it?

fail install game porting toolkit