How to replicate UIImageView's `scaleAspectFill` for Images inside a custom Layout?

I've defined a custom layout container by having a struct conform to Layout and implementing the appropriate methods, and it works as expected.

The problem comes when trying to display Image, as they are shown squished when just using the .resizable() view modifier, not filling the container when using .scaledToFit() or extending outside of the expected bounds when using .scaledToFill().

I understand that this is the intended behaviour of these modifiers, but I would like to replicate UIImageView's scaledAspectFill.

I know that this can usually be achieved by doing:

   .frame(width: 200, height: 200)

But hardcoding the frame like that defeats the purpose of using the Layout, plus I wouldn't have direct access to the correct sizes, either.

The only way I've managed to make it work is by having a GeometryReader per image, so that the expected frame size is known and can bet set, but this is cumbersome and not really reusable.

GalleryGridLayout() {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
                .frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: geometry.size.height)


Is there a more elegant, and presumably efficient as well as reusable, way of achieving the desired behaviour?

Here's the code of the Layout.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 790485022

@Thecafremo Since an aspect ratio isn't provided, it uses the intrinsic aspect ratio.

You cold try using this instead:

    .aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fill)

@Thecafremo Since an aspect ratio isn't provided, it uses the intrinsic aspect ratio.

You cold try using this instead:

    .aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fill)

@DTS Engineer – This doesn't work, I'm afraid. Adding the .aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fill) makes no difference – I assume because we're doing .scaledToFill() before, which is the same as doing .aspectRatio(nil, contentMode: .fill)

How to replicate UIImageView's `scaleAspectFill` for Images inside a custom Layout?