UI Frameworks

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Unexpected onAppear behavior in NavigationStack with ViewThatFits
Hello, My goal is to have a NavigationStack whose root view is determined based on its height and width. To do so, I'm using ViewThatFits, which should choose the right view to display. It is working fine, but unexpectedly both views trigger onAppear, whereas only the appropriate one should. This causes the logic in both closures to be executed, which is not intended. The code below demonstrates the problem: struct NavigationStackContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack { ViewThatFits(in: .vertical) { Color.yellow .onAppear { print("|-> on appear: yellow") } .onDisappear { print("|-> on disappear: yellow") } Color.red .frame(width: 1500, height: 1500) .onAppear { print("|-> on appear: red") } .onDisappear { print("|-> on disappear: red") } } } } } this produces: |-> on appear: red |-> on disappear: red |-> on appear: yellow When ViewThatFits is not nested within NavigationStack, the problem does not occur — only the yellow view (in this sample) triggers onAppear, which is the expected behavior. I also checked the macOS version, and the problem does not occur at all, whether within NavigationStack or not. This example is simple and demonstrates that the larger view is the second one. When I switch their places, the problem does not occur because it recognizes that the first view would not fit at this point. However, in my case I will have these views without knowing which one will not fit, so switching their order is not a viable solution if this works without NavigationStack. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? // iOS: 18.3.1 Xcode: 16.2
PHPickerViewController No Auto Focus
The issue is, I cannot auto acquire bluetooth keyboard focus in PHPickerViewController after enabling 'Full Keyboard Access' in my IPhone 14 with iOS version 18.3.1. The keyboard focus in PHPickerViewController will show, however, after I tapped on the blank space of the PHPickerViewController. How to make the focus on at the first place then? I'm using UINavigationController and calling setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: false). Then I use this controller to present PHPickerViewController using some configuration setup below. self.configuration = PHPickerConfiguration() configuration.filter = .any(of: filters) configuration.selectionLimit = selectionLimit if #available(iOS 15.0, *), allowOrdering { configuration.selection = .ordered } configuration.preferredAssetRepresentationMode = .current Finally I set the delegate to PHPickerViewController and call UINavigationController.present(PHPickerViewController, animated: true) to render it. Also I notice animation showing in first video then disappear.
Implement two lists side by side with SwiftUI on iPad
I'm currently building an App using a TabView as the main navigation method. In my app I would like to build a page similar to the Top Charts in the native App Store App with two lists side by side: So far I came up with this code (simplified demo): import SwiftUI struct Demo: View { var body: some View { TabView { Tab("Main Tab", systemImage: "tray.and.arrow.down.fill") { NavigationStack { HStack { List { Text("Left List") } List { Text("Right List") } } .navigationTitle("Demo") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) } } } } } #Preview { Demo() } However, I’m encountering a couple of issues: • Scrolling to the top of the left list doesn’t trigger the toolbar background effect, and the content overlaps with the tabs in a strange way. Scrolling to the top of the right list works as expected. • The navigation title is always hidden. I haven’t been able to find a solution to these problems. What would be the correct approach? Thank you!
Jan ’25
iPadOS 18 TabView with Large Navigation Title
I’m following the example code from Apple to implement the new iPadOS 18 TabView() with the new Tab(). While the tabbing itself is working fine, I can’t get it to show up a (large) navigation title in the sidebar (like the Home or Files app). I’ve tried placing .navigationTitle("App Name") at the TabView, but that doesn’t work. Is it possible to do this in any way or is this not recommended to show? TabView { Tab("Overview", systemImage: "film") { Text("Put a OverviewView here") } TabSection("Watch") { Tab("Movies", systemImage: "film") { Text("Put a MoviesView here") } Tab("TV Shows", systemImage: "tv") { Text("Put a TVShowsView here") } } TabSection("Listen") { Tab("Music", systemImage: "music.note.list") { Text("Put a MusicView here") } Tab("Podcasts", systemImage: "mic") { Text("Put a PodcastsView here") } } } .tabViewStyle(.sidebarAdaptable) .navigationTitle("App Name") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.large) I know that there is also the .tabViewSidebarHeader() modifier, but that adds any view above the scroll view content. Neither does that easily allow to make it look like the regular navigation title, nor does it actually display in the navigation bar at the top, when scrolling down.
Jan ’25
traitCollectionDidChange iOS18
iOS18.2 / iPhone 16pro / Xcode 16.2 'traitCollectionDidChange' This function has been deprecated since ios17. However, in ios18, when I changed the app to the background state or changed it to the foreground state again, it was confirmed that the function worked. It hasn't been confirmed in ios17, but why is it only confirmed in ios18?
Dec ’24
Delay between animation and view accepting touch input
Hi! I was trying to add an animation to my SwiftUI view with UIKit, but after the animation runs there's a delay before the view will accept touch interactions. I thought it was because of the frame size of the view controller, but even after fixing that I still get the delay. Could anyone point me to where I might be going wrong, or if maybe using a UIKit modifier for the animation just doesn't work? Any help would be greatly appreciated! UIView: class BounceView: UIView { required init() { super.init(frame: .zero) } func bounceAnimation() { guard let piece = self.subviews.first else { return } UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.7, delay: 0, usingSpringWithDamping: 0.7, initialSpringVelocity: 0) { piece.frame.origin.x += 10 } } func bounceBack() { guard let piece = self.subviews.first else { return } UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.7, delay: 0, usingSpringWithDamping: 0.7, initialSpringVelocity: 0) { piece.frame.origin.x -= 10 } } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } } UIView controller: class BounceViewController: UIViewController { init(controller: UIViewController) { super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil) view = BounceView() addChild(controller) controller.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false controller.view.backgroundColor = .clear view.addSubview(controller.view) controller.didMove(toParent: self) } // adjusts view to match bounds of child override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { super.viewDidLayoutSubviews() let subviewFrame = self.view.subviews.first?.bounds ?? .zero view.frame = subviewFrame print(subviewFrame) self.updateViewConstraints() } func update(animated: Bool) { let bounceView = view as? BounceView if animated { bounceView?.bounceAnimation() } else { bounceView?.bounceBack() } } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } } SwiftUI wrapper: struct BounceUIViewController: UIViewControllerRepresentable { private var controller: UIViewController @Binding var animated: Bool init(controller: UIViewController, animated: Binding<Bool>) { self.controller = controller self._animated = animated } func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> BounceViewController { BounceViewController(controller: controller) } func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: BounceViewController, context: Context) { uiViewController.update(animated: animated) } } View extension: extension View { func bounce(animated: Binding<Bool>) -> some View { modifier(Bounce(animated: animated)) } } struct Bounce: ViewModifier { @Binding var animated: Bool init(animated: Binding<Bool>) { self._animated = animated } func body(content: Content) -> some View { BounceUIViewController(controller: content.uiViewController, animated: $animated) } }
Dec ’24
Help needed to understand the issues from the app
Hi, There are total three errors from the app running on the device. First one is right after the app starts running on the device: Could not create a sandbox extension for '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D4CBF093-EFB1-43C5-996D-7D5CB04BF643/appadmob.app' Below second issue comes when I dismiss the Interstitial Ad First responder issue detected: non-key window attempting reload - allowing due to manual keyboard (first responder window is <UIWindow: 0x10d11c700; frame = (0 0; 414 896); hidden = YES; autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x301749300>; backgroundColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x3002b3080; name = _windowBackgroundColor>; layer = <UIWindowLayer: 0x3019b7960>>, key window is <QUIWindow: 0x10880db00; baseClass = UIWindow; frame = (0 0; 414 896); gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x3017276e0>; layer = <UIWindowLayer: 0x3019852f0>>) And the third issue below follows right after the second one: Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "((target is not running or doesn't have entitlement com.apple.developer.web-browser-engine.rendering AND target is not running or doesn't have entitlement com.apple.developer.web-browser-engine.networking AND target is not running or doesn't have entitlement com.apple.developer.web-browser-engine.webcontent))" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=((target is not running or doesn't have entitlement com.apple.developer.web-browser-engine.rendering AND target is not running or doesn't have entitlement com.apple.developer.web-browser-engine.networking AND target is not running or doesn't have entitlement com.apple.developer.web-browser-engine.webcontent))}> 0x118024480 - ProcessAssertion::acquireSync Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'WebProcess NearSuspended Assertion' for process with PID=19180, error: (null) Failed to terminate process: Error Domain=com.apple.extensionKit.errorDomain Code=18 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x3019254a0 {Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=3 "No such process found" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=No such process found}}} Also when I dismissed the interstitial ad, the screen looks greyed out, but when I touch the screen, the screen comes to normal. Could you please suggest any solution for the problems. Thanks,
Dec ’24
UIDocumentPickerViewController fullScreen not working
When I present a UIDocumentPickerViewController I want it to occupy the fullscreen but it never displays as fullscreen The modalPresentationStyle seems to have no effect no matter what I set it to Running the code with DispatchQueue.main.async did not help either Here is the code Anybody got any suggestions? `@objc private func plusButtonPressed() { DispatchQueue.main.async { let picker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: [kUTTypeData as String], in: .import) picker.delegate = self picker.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen self.present(picker, animated: true) } }`
Nov ’24
Distributing Mac Desktop Apps using GTKMM Without AppKit/UIKit on Mac App Store
Dear DTS Engineer, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently developing a Mac desktop application using the GTKMM framework, and I have some questions regarding the distribution of such an application through the Mac App Store. Project Context: I am building a native Mac desktop application using GTKMM as the UI framework. As GTKMM does not rely on macOS's AppKit or UIKit, my application does not use these Apple-specific frameworks for the UI. Instead, GTKMM provides its own cross-platform UI components. While this approach allows me to target macOS alongside Linux and Windows, I am uncertain whether this setup will be compatible with the Mac App Store's submission guidelines. My Questions: App Store Compatibility: Is it possible to distribute a macOS desktop application built with GTKMM (without using AppKit or UIKit) on the Mac App Store? App Store Guidelines: Are there specific App Store guidelines I should be aware of when submitting a non-native, non-AppKit UI-based app, such as one using GTKMM for macOS? Notarization & Code Signing: Does my app need to use AppKit/UIKit to meet the code signing and notarization requirements, or can I proceed with signing and notarizing a GTKMM-based app? App Store Review Process: Will the absence of AppKit/UIKit affect the review process or the acceptance of the app into the Mac App Store? I would greatly appreciate any guidance or clarification on these points. If you need additional details about my development environment or the specific technologies I'm using, please let me know. Thank you for your time and assistance.
Nov ’24
Landscape safe area is incorrect when presenting SKStoreProductViewController
Hi. If the app is in landscape only and when the SKStoreProductViewController is presented, the safeArea changes to what looks like a portrait mode safe area. When the SKStoreProductViewController is dismissed, the safeArea does NOT revert back to the original values. Is there a way to force the safeArea to "reset"? I've submitted some bug tickets through Apple Feedback but I haven't received any response about it. The below code will pop up the SKStoreProductViewController and if you have a UIView that is constrained to the safe area, then you can visibly notice that the safe area is changed and doesn't go back. I have tested this on iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15, and iPhone 16 Pro and in the Simulators. The incorrect behavior happens on those and probably more. Thanks. #import "ViewController.h" #import &amp;lt;StoreKit/StoreKit.h&amp;gt; @interface ViewController () @property (nonatomic, strong) SKStoreProductViewController *productViewController; @end @implementation ViewController - (IBAction)buttonTapped:(id)sender { self.productViewController = [[SKStoreProductViewController alloc] init]; NSDictionary *parameters = @{ @"id" : @"6443575749" }; [self.productViewController loadProductWithParameters:parameters completionBlock:^(BOOL result, NSError * _Nullable error) { [self presentViewController:self.productViewController animated:YES completion:^{ // presented // The panel that is constraint to the safe area visibly shows that the safe area is no longer correct. }]; }]; } @end
Nov ’24
Android Emulator "System UI Isn't Responding" Error on macOS Monterey
Hello everyone, I’m experiencing an issue with the Android Emulator in Android Studio (version Ladybug) on my Mac running macOS Monterey (12.7). The emulator frequently displays the message “System UI isn’t responding” and then crashes. I've tried a few troubleshooting steps, including: Restarting Android Studio and the emulator. wipe data on AVD. tried to change the emulator performance from automatic to hardware but this option isn't available to me. Despite these efforts, the problem persists. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!
Nov ’24
Wallpaper Api
Hey, I have an app that user selects wallpaper for iPhone. I want a feature that user can set wallpaper direct from app itself for lock screen and home screen not download the image and manually set the wallpaper. As my research there was a PhotoLibrary api that contains PLWallpaperImageViewController.h which allows you to set wallpaper directly. Thank You!
Oct ’24
Unable to change UITabbar Background color in iOS 18 for ipad
I am trying to change UITabBar background color runtime as theme changed. It is already working in iOS 17 as I am updating UITabBar.appearance().barTintColor and tintColor But for iOS first i need to change because I don't want that new elevated tabbar so I create custom tabbar controller as described in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78631030/how-to-disable-the-new-uitabbarcontroller-view-style-in-ipados-18 Accepted Answer by awulf. And by doing this, My tabbar looks same like Old and it is working in iPhone and ipad for iOS 16, iOS 17 and iOS 18 too. But the issue is that I am unable to change my tabbar background color. I have also checked this forum: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/761056 But not able to change I have set below 3 properties but no effect let appearance = UITabBar.appearance() appearance.backgroundColor = appearance.barTintColor = appearance.tintColor = I have created CustomTabBarController in storyboard and all working fine Also the appearance changed only once per application lifecycle. It will change color by restarting the app then it will pick last selected theme and the colors are changed. but not able to change colors runtime I have also did below code for reloading purpose tabBar.setNeedsLayout() tabBar.setNeedsDisplay() But nothing work
Oct ’24
UIDocumentPickerViewController provides corrupt copy of file when user taps multiple times on file
We're trying to implement a backup/restore data feature in our business productivity iPad app using UIDocumentPickerViewController and AppleArchive, but discovered odd behavior of [UIDocumentPickerViewController initForOpeningContentTypes: asCopy:YES] when reading large archive files from a USB drive. We've duplicated this behavior with iPadOS 16.6.1 and 17.7 when building our app with Xcode 15.4 targeting minimum deployment of iPadOS 16. We haven't tested this with bleeding edge iPadOS 18. Here's our Objective-C code which presents the picker: NSArray* contentTypeArray = @[UTTypeAppleArchive]; UIDocumentPickerViewController* docPickerVC = [[UIDocumentPickerViewController alloc] initForOpeningContentTypes:contentTypeArray asCopy:YES]; docPickerVC.delegate = self; docPickerVC.allowsMultipleSelection = NO; docPickerVC.shouldShowFileExtensions = YES; docPickerVC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationPopover; docPickerVC.popoverPresentationController.sourceView = self.view; [self presentViewController:docPickerVC animated:YES completion:nil]; The UIDocumentPickerViewController remains visible until the selected external archive file has been copied from the USB drive to the app's local tmp sandbox. This may take several seconds due to the slow access speed of the USB drive. During this time the UIDocumentPickerViewController does NOT disable its tableview rows displaying files found on the USB drive. Even the most patient user will tap the desired filename a second (or third or fourth) time since the user's initial tap appears to have been ignored by UIDocumentPickerViewController, which lacks sufficient UI feedback showing it's busy copying the selected file. When the user taps the file a second time, UIDocumentPickerViewController apparently begins to copy the archive file once again. The end result is a truncated copy of the selected file based on the time between taps. For instance, a 788 MB source archive may be copied as a 56 MB file. Here, the UIDocumentPickerDelegate receives a 56 MB file instead of the original 788 MB of data. Not surprisingly, AppleArchive fails to decrypt the local copy of the archive because it's missing data. Instead of failing gracefully, AppleArchive crashes in AAArchiveStreamClose() (see forums post 765102 for details). Does anyone know if there's a workaround for this strange behavior of UIDocumentPickerViewController?
Dec ’24
Core Data: Behavior of newBackgroundContext() and Parent-Child Relationships
Hi everyone, I’m wondering about Core Data. When creating a private context using newBackgroundContext(), does it automatically set the parent to the view context, or is it independent? Additionally, if I update objects in the context created by newBackgroundContext(), will the view context automatically notice the changes, and vice versa? Lastly, are there other ways to set parent-child context relationships between contexts? I'd appreciate it if anyone could clarify this for me. Thanks in advance! 😊
Sep ’24
onGeometryChange: Assertion failed: Block was expected to execute on queue
Hello! After upgrading to Xcode 16 & Swift 6 & iOS 18 I starting receiveing strange crashes. Happens randomly in different view and pointing to onGeometryChange action block. I added DispatchQueue.main.async { in hopes it will help but it didn't. HStack { ... } .onGeometryChange(for: CGSize.self, of: \.size) { value in DispatchQueue.main.async { self.width = value.width self.height = value.height } } As far as I understand, onGeometryChange is defined as nonisolated and Swift 6 enforce thread checking for the closures, SwiftUI views are always run on the main thread. Does it mean we can not use onGeometryChange safely in swiftui? BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Assertion failed: Block was expected to execute on queue [com.apple.main-thread (0x1eacdce40)] Crashed: com.apple.SwiftUI.AsyncRenderer 0 libdispatch.dylib 0x64d8 _dispatch_assert_queue_fail + 120 1 libdispatch.dylib 0x6460 _dispatch_assert_queue_fail + 194 2 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x62b58 <redacted> + 284 3 Grit 0x3a57cc specialized implicit closure #1 in closure #1 in PurchaseModalOld.body.getter + 4377696204 (<compiler-generated>:4377696204) 4 SwiftUI 0x5841e0 <redacted> + 60 5 SwiftUI 0x5837f8 <redacted> + 20 6 SwiftUI 0x586b5c <redacted> + 84 7 SwiftUICore 0x68846c <redacted> + 48 8 SwiftUICore 0x686dd4 <redacted> + 16 9 SwiftUICore 0x6ecc74 <redacted> + 160 10 SwiftUICore 0x686224 <redacted> + 872 11 SwiftUICore 0x685e24 $s14AttributeGraph12StatefulRuleP7SwiftUIE15withObservation2doqd__qd__yKXE_tKlF + 72 12 SwiftUI 0x95450 <redacted> + 1392 13 SwiftUI 0x7e438 <redacted> + 32 14 AttributeGraph 0x952c AG::Graph::UpdateStack::update() + 540 15 AttributeGraph 0x90f0 AG::Graph::update_attribute(AG::data::ptr<AG::Node>, unsigned int) + 424 16 AttributeGraph 0x8cc4 AG::Subgraph::update(unsigned int) + 848 17 SwiftUICore 0x9eda58 <redacted> + 348 18 SwiftUICore 0x9edf70 <redacted> + 36 19 AttributeGraph 0x148c0 AGGraphWithMainThreadHandler + 60 20 SwiftUICore 0x9e7834 $s7SwiftUI9ViewGraphC18updateOutputsAsync2atAA11DisplayListV4list_AG7VersionV7versiontSgAA4TimeV_tF + 560 21 SwiftUICore 0x9e0fc0 $s7SwiftUI16ViewRendererHostPAAE11renderAsync8interval15targetTimestampAA4TimeVSgSd_AItF + 524 22 SwiftUI 0xecfdfc <redacted> + 220 23 SwiftUI 0x55c84 <redacted> + 312 24 SwiftUI 0x55b20 <redacted> + 60 25 QuartzCore 0xc7078 <redacted> + 48 26 QuartzCore 0xc52b4 <redacted> + 884 27 QuartzCore 0xc5cb4 <redacted> + 456 28 CoreFoundation 0x555dc <redacted> + 176 29 CoreFoundation 0x55518 <redacted> + 60 30 CoreFoundation 0x55438 <redacted> + 524 31 CoreFoundation 0x54284 <redacted> + 2248 32 CoreFoundation 0x535b8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572 33 Foundation 0xb6f00 <redacted> + 212 34 Foundation 0xb6dd4 <redacted> + 64 35 SwiftUI 0x38bc80 <redacted> + 792 36 SwiftUI 0x1395d0 <redacted> + 72 37 Foundation 0xc8058 <redacted> + 724 38 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x637c _pthread_start + 136 39 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1494 thread_start + 8