iOS VPN: Loss of Internet Connectivity on iOS Device post Packet Tunnel Crashes

Title: Loss of Internet Connectivity on iOS Device When Packet Tunnel Crashes Feedback ticket: Product: iPhone 12 Version: iOS - 17.5.1 Configuration: NETunnelProviderManager Configuration

Description: We are developing an iOS VPN client and have configured our packet tunnel provider according to Apple's guidelines. The configuration is as follows: includeAllNetworks = YES excludeLocalNetworks = NO enforceRoutes = NO This setup works as expected when the VPN successfully connects. However, we encounter a blocker issue where the device loses internet connectivity if the packet tunnel crashes.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Configure the NETunnelProviderManager with the above settings.
  2. Connect the VPN, which successfully establishes a connection.
  3. Verify that resources are accessible and internet connectivity is functional.
  4. Packet tunnel to crash unexpectedly.Observe that the NE process (Packet Tunnel) restarts automatically, as expected and attempts to reconnect the VPN;
  5. however, the device now lacks internet connectivity, preventing VPN reconnection.
  6. Try accessing resources using Safari or any other internet-dependent app, resulting in an error indicating the device is not connected to the internet.

Actual Results: The device loses internet connectivity after the packet tunnel crashes and fails to regain it automatically, preventing the VPN from reconnecting.

Expected Results: The device should maintain internet connectivity or recover connectivity to allow the VPN to reconnect successfully after the packet tunnel process restarts.

Workaround - iPhone device needs a restart to regain internet connectivity .

iOS VPN: Loss of Internet Connectivity on iOS Device post Packet Tunnel Crashes