Rendering EntityEquipment in TabletopKit


I've been implementing a tabletop game over the last couple of weeks. One thing that I'm struggling with it getting an EntityEquipment to render. I've followed the instructions in the documentation:

But still no luck.

Any insights what I might be missing are highly appreciated.

Note: I've also watched the WWDC24 talk several times and downloaded the example but while the pawns render in the example perfectly. In my own implementation of a pawn nothing renders.

Just checking, you aren't spelling the entity name wrong when loading it? You're using Reality Composer Pro and have added the entity in the project browser?

I think the proper way to do it is to load the entity in the RealityView make closure and attach it to a TableSeat, and then add it to the TableSetup

This is what I think based on the example project, in the GameSetup.swift file there's func loadEntityEquipment

Rendering EntityEquipment in TabletopKit