Combining NavigationSplitView and TabView in iOS 18

Hi folks,

I've used a NavigationSplitView within one of the tabs of my app since iOS 16, but with the new styling in iOS 18 the toolbar region looks odd. In other tabs using e.g. simple stacks, the toolbar buttons are horizontally in line with the new tab picker, but with NavigationSplitView, the toolbar leaves a lot of empty space at the top (see below). Is there anything I can do to adjust this, or alternatively, continue to use the old style?


Does this Apple-suggested answer help?

Thanks for pointing out this thread - it is the same setup. I could use the sidebarAdaptable style to consolidate the two views, but I'd like to preserve the custom view in the List in the sidebar if possible. I don't think you can do this with TabSections.

I had the same problem, if you have the NavigationSplitview in a NavigationStack, then you should remove it and put the NavigationStack in the detail area.

Is this a view built entirely with SwiftUI? On the other hand, I am unable to reproduce this state. I would appreciate it if you could provide a sample code.

Hi Max, sorry I should have updated this thread - the issue was resolved by the end of the beta cycle. My view is entirely SwiftUI.

As of 18.3, there is no spacing issue, but I do find I need to move buttons that are trailing to be leading in some cases such that they are not hidden by the tab selector.

Combining NavigationSplitView and TabView in iOS 18