




Content blockers: ignore-previous-rules not working?
In my content blocker I have a bunch of rules that block some content in Safari, but I want my users to be able to whiltelist a website so the blocker rules don't apply on that site. I have something like this: { "action": { "type":"css-display-none", "selector":"a[href*='Bobbins']" }, "trigger": { "url-filter":".*" } }, { "trigger": { "url-filter": ".*", "if-domain": ["*"] }, "action": { "type": "ignore-previous-rules" } } I think that should block any a link where the href includes Bobbins but not if the site is However, that simply doesn't work. It doesn't matter what I put in the array of domains to whitelist, it just doesn't apply it. In every case, the a link is blocked. How do you actually whitelist a website in a Safari content blocker?
Topic: Safari & Web SubTopic: General Tags:
Feb ’25
Can an Action Extension use SwiftUI for its UI?
I'm trying to update an app of mine to have a more modern look, and the last part of it is the Action Extension in Safari. My info.plist file has the correct NSExtension details to use a storyboard, but storyboards look so old and I'd like to use a nicer SwiftUI-based look. Is this even possible? This is the relevant bit from the Info.plist: <dict> <key>NSExtensionAttributes</key> <dict> <key>NSExtensionActivationRule</key> <dict> <key>NSExtensionActivationSupportsWebPageWithMaxCount</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> <key>NSExtensionJavaScriptPreprocessingFile</key> <string>GetURL</string> </dict> <key>NSExtensionPointIdentifier</key> <string></string> <key>NSExtensionActionWantsFullScreenPresentation</key> <false/> <key>NSExtensionMainStoryboard</key> <string>MainInterface</string> </dict> I see I can use NSExtensionPrincipalClass instead of NSExtensionMainStoryboard but then I get stuck. If I remove this: <key>NSExtensionMainStoryboard</key> <string>MainInterface</string> and replace it with this: <key>NSExtensionPrincipalClass</key> <string>$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).ActionViewController</string> I get this error when I run the extension: Rejecting view controller creation request due to invalid extension storyboard or principal class: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=967223 "(null)" UserInfo={Invalid Configuration=Either NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass must be specified in the extension's Info.plist file but not both.} According to that error the two keys are mutually-exclusive, which is fine as I'm using just one of them, so why do I get this error? Is it something to do with the actual code in ActionViewController? I have this, and nothing here ever runs: class ActionViewController: UIViewController { var theUrl: String = "" @objc override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() if let inputItem = extensionContext!.inputItems.first as? NSExtensionItem { if let itemProvider = inputItem.attachments?.first { itemProvider.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: UTType.propertyList.identifier as String) { [unowned self] (dict, error) in let itemDictionary = dict as! NSDictionary let javaScriptValues = itemDictionary[NSExtensionJavaScriptPreprocessingResultsKey] as! NSDictionary self.theUrl = javaScriptValues["URL"] as! String // Build the SwiftUI view, wrap it in a UIHostingController then send to the main thread to update the UI let contentView = ActionExtensionView(theUrl: self.theUrl, clickedCancel: self.cancel, clickedDone: self.done) let childView = UIHostingController(rootView: contentView) self.view.addSubview(childView.view) // Set the place where your view will be displayed let constraints = [ childView.view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor), childView.view.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor), childView.view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor), childView.view.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor), childView.view.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.widthAnchor), childView.view.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.heightAnchor) ] childView.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false view.addConstraints(constraints) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.present(childView, animated: true) } } } } } Apple really don't make it easy to develop for their platforms, do they?
Feb ’25
Sandbox environment extremely unreliable
I have two sandbox users in App Store Connect, as I'm trying to test in-app purchases and Family Sharing. They're set up fine; I can make purchases in the app. The issue is that the refund request sheet in my app sometimes shows properly and lets me request a refund, but I'd say >80% of the time the sheet just shows "Cannot Connect" with a "Retry" button. Hitting that button doesn't ever result in the sheet showing the refund page. The only fix for this is to delete the app from the device, and restart the device. This has to be a joke, right? I need to be able to test this IAP, and the sandbox environment is useless most of the time. Why? Anyone experiencing this sort of issue?
Jan ’25
In-app purchases - why so frustrating?
I'm adding my first in-app purchase to an app, and I'm finding the process incredibly frustrating. Aside from the Apple Developer Documentation not being clear enough, and kind of glossing over the technical steps required (and their sample code being woefully inadequate), App Store Connect and the testing sandbox simply don't work as they say they do. For example, in my app I've purchased the IAP and now I want to request a refund. I select the purchase, I choose a refund reason, and this page says, "To set up a test for approved refunds, select any refund reason on the refund request sheet, and submit the sheet. The App Store automatically approves the refund request in the testing environment." Well, when I re-launch the app the purchase is still there. I can't request a refund again because it says this is a duplicate refund request, so it knows that the purchase has had a request, and it's supposed to have automatically refunded it, but it clearly hasn't. So, I try clearing the purchase history via the Settings app > Developer > Sandbox Apple Account. Same thing. Purchase remains. Try clearing purchase history in App Store Connect. Same thing. How on Earth does anyone get an in-app purchase to work when the entire testing environment is so badly executed? How do I get past this? The IAP is the last part of the app that needs to be implemented, and I've lost a week on this already.
Jan ’25
In-app purchases fail: "Password reuse" error?
I'm trying to implement my first in-app purchase, and I've created the IAP in App Store Connect, and created a sandbox account. When I open Settings > Developer in the iPhone Simulator, there is a "Sandbox Apple Account" option at the bottom. If I click the blue "Sign In" link I'm asked for the email and password, so I enter the correct credentials for the sandbox account. The "Sign In" text goes grey for a few seconds, then it goes blue again. It never changes to show that I'm signed in. Should it? (I think so.) Do I need to sign into the Simulator's Apple Account, too? (I don't think so.) Anyway, aside from that, in my app the IAP is listed and I have a button to purchase it. When I click it I'm asked for the email and password to sign into the Apple Account. I enter the correct sandbox email and password (they are definitely correct) and I see this in the Xcode console: Purchase did not return a transaction: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=530 "(null)" UserInfo={client-environment-type=Sandbox, NSUnderlyingError=0x600000d0c7b0 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=100 "Authentication Failed The authentication failed." UserInfo={NSMultipleUnderlyingErrorsKey=( "Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=2 \"Password reuse not available for account The account state does not support password reuse.\" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Password reuse not available for account The account state does not support password reuse., AMSDescription=Password reuse not available for account, AMSFailureReason=The account state does not support password reuse.}", "Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=0 \"Authentication Failed Encountered an unrecognized authentication failure.\" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Authentication Failed Encountered an unrecognized authentication failure., AMSDescription=Authentication Failed, AMSFailureReason=Encountered an unrecognized authentication failure.}" ), AMSDescription=Authentication Failed, NSDebugDescription=Authentication Failed The authentication failed., AMSFailureReason=The authentication failed.}}} Why is it talking about password reuse? AFAIK, I have only one sandbox account for this app (and none for any of my other apps), and this is the only one of my apps that has an IAP. Any ideas on how to get an IAP working? Thanks!
Jan ’25
Handling non-consumable in-app purchase tiers
How would you go about handling this sort of situation? An app has two tiers of non-consumable in-app purchases. The IAP simply unlocks a certain level of access in the app: The first tier for $1.99 allows the user to add up to 50 things. The second tier for $3.99 allows the user to add up to 200 things. If the user has not bought an IAP the app will show the two tiers available for purchase. The user then buys Tier 1 and happily goes about adding some things to the app. The app now only shows Tier 2 available for purchase, because Tier 1 has been purchased. A few weeks go by and they realise they need to add more than 50 things. Would the user have to suck it up and just accept they should've paid the $3.99? Or, could a new Tier 1.5 be added that's a kind of upgrade price of $2.00 (the difference between the two original tiers) to unlock the higher 200 things level? I doubt this would work properly, because although I can control that tier being displayed or not in the app, I cannot control it in the App Store product pages, and it would be displayed among the Tier 1 and Tier 2 levels, so people would just buy that rather than the full priced Tier 2. How should I handle this situation? Just have the one tier (Tier 2) and make it simpler?
Jan ’25
Content blocker not removing content
I have a content blocker that generally works correctly, but I need to block an element that has certain text in it. For example, <span id="theId">Some text</span> is easy enough to block because I can locate the id and block that, but what if there is no id, or the id is completely random? What if it's just <span>Some text</span>? How do I block that? Let's say this is my only content blocker rule: [ { "action": { "type": "css-display-none", "selector": ":has-text(/Some text/i)" }, "trigger": { "url-filter": ".*" } } ] No errors are seen when the rule is loaded, so it's syntactically correct, it just doesn't block the HTML. I gather this is because :has-text() works on attributes, not contents, so it works on alt, href, aria-label etc. but not on the contents of the element itself. How do I block Some text in my example above? Thanks!
Jan ’25
Can't use Link in .systemLarge widget
I just added a .systemLarge widget to my app, but I can't get Links to work. I want the user to be able to tap one of the four rows in my widget - like the EmojiRangers example - but I can't get it to work. I watched a Developer video from WWDC20: The guy, Izzy, 'simply' embeds an HStack in a Link, and hey presto! It all works. But that doesn't happen for me. There's clearly some code in the background that runs. I already have .widgetURL working for .systemSmall and .systemMedium widgets, and I don't need to use Links on those two types. Those work by sending a URL to .onOpenURL { incomingURL in ... All good there, no issues. I've wrapped each row in the large widget in a Link with the URL of something like myappurlscheme://widgetTapped/widgetId (it's the same url as that used in the small and medium widgets). I build & run. I tap a row. It doesn't act as though a row is tappable (it doesn't go slightly transparent), and just opens the app without hitting .onOpenURL or anything else. Nothing in my scene delegate is triggered. Is there a specific delegate method that gets called? Do I need to set up some awful intents? I'm not using any sort of NavigationStack here; that model doesn't fit my app. Any ideas? Thanks.
Dec ’24
Refreshing widgets - policy and background tasks?
I have widgets providing their timeline using the .atEnd reload policy, i.e.: // AppIntentTimelineProvider: return Timeline(entries: entries, policy: .atEnd) // TimelineProvider let timeline = Timeline(entries: entries, policy: .atEnd) completion(timeline) I can't seem to find any information on what happens after the end of the timeline. So, let's say I've got two days worth of entries, the dev docs for the reload policy say, "A policy that specifies that WidgetKit requests a new timeline after the last date in a timeline passes." Great! But how does it request the new timeline? Does iOS launch my app in the background and simply re-run the timeline to generate another two days worth of entries? I doubt it. I figure I need to implement some sort of background task, and the dev docs say how to do it with an Operation, but then I read that this is an old way of doing it? I've found some info online saying to use something like this, so this is what I've implemented: let kBackgroundWidgetRefreshTask = "my.refresh.task.identifier" // This has been registered in the info.plist correctly class SchedulingService { static let shared = SchedulingService() func registerBackgroundTasks() { let isRegistered = BGTaskScheduler.shared.register(forTaskWithIdentifier: kBackgroundWidgetRefreshTask, using: nil) { task in print("Background task is executing: \(task.identifier)") // This does print "true" self.handleWidgetRefresh(task: task as! BGAppRefreshTask) } print("Is the background task registered? \(isRegistered)") } func scheduleWidgetRefresh() { let request = BGAppRefreshTaskRequest(identifier: kBackgroundWidgetRefreshTask) // Fetch no earlier than 1 hour from now - test, will be two days request.earliestBeginDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 60 * 60) do { try BGTaskScheduler.shared.submit(request) print("Scheduled widget refresh for one hour from now") } catch { print("Could not schedule widget refresh: \(error)") } } private func handleWidgetRefresh(task: BGAppRefreshTask) { // Schedule a new refresh task scheduleWidgetRefresh() // Start refresh of the widget data let refreshTask = Task { do { print("Going to refresh widgets") try await self.backgroundRefreshWidgets() task.setTaskCompleted(success: true) } catch { print("Could not refresh widgets: \(error)") task.setTaskCompleted(success: false) } } // Provide the background task with an expiration handler that cancels the operation task.expirationHandler = { refreshTask.cancel() } } func backgroundRefreshWidgets() async throws { print("backgroundRefreshWidgets() called") definitelyRefreshWidgets() } } As I've commented above, the line print("Background task is executing: \(task.identifier)") does print true so the task has been registered correctly. I've put the app into the background and left it for hours and nothing is printed to the console. I've implemented a logger that writes to a file in the app container, but that doesn't get anything either. So, is there something I'm misunderstanding? Should I change the reload policy to .after(date)? But what makes the timeline reload? As a second but linked issue, my widgets have countdown timers on them and the entire timeline shows that every entry is correct, but the widgets on the Home Screen simply fail to refresh correctly. For example, with timeline entries for every hour for the next two days from 6pm today (so, 7pm, 8pm...) every entry in the preview in Xcode shows the right countdown timer. However, if you put the widget on the Home Screen, after about five hours the timer shows 25:12:34 (for example). No entry in the timeline preview ever shows more than 24 hours because the entires are every hour, and the one that shows a timer starting at 23:00:00 should never get to 24:00:00 as the next entry would kick in from 0:00:00, so it should never show more than 23:59:59 on the timer. It's like the 23:00:00 timer is just left to run for hours instead of being replaced by the next entry. It's as though the widget isn't refreshing correctly and entries aren't loaded? Given this is the Simulator - and my development device - and both are set to Developer Mode so widget refresh budgets aren't an issue, why is this happening? How do you get widgets to refresh properly? The dev docs are not very helpful (neither is the Backyard Birds example Apple keep pushing). Thanks!
Dec ’24
How to draw emojis like the Lock Screen customisation?
On iOS you can create a new Lock Screen that contains a bunch of emoji, and they'll get put on the screen in a repeating pattern, like this: When you have two or more emoji they're placed in alternating patterns, like this: How do I write something like that? I need to handle up to three emoji, and I need the canvas as large as the device's screen, and it needs to be saved as an image. Thanks! (I've already written an emojiToImage() extension on String, but it just plonks one massive emoji in the middle of an image, so I'm doing something wrong there.)
Nov ’24
Biometric authentication, Face ID doesn't get triggered
When a user swipes up to see the app switcher, I put a blocking view over my app so the data inside cannot be seen if you flick through the app switcher. I do this by checking if the scenePhase goes from .active to .inactive. If the app goes into the background, scenePhase == .background so I trigger something that would force the user to authenticate with Face ID/Touch ID when the app is next brought to the foreground or launched. However, this doesn't seem to work. The biometrics authentication is executed, but it just lets the user in without showing the Face ID animation. I put my finger over the sensors so it couldn't possibly be authenticating, but it just lets them in. Here's a quick set of logs: scenePhase == .inactive - User showed app switcher scenePhase == .background - User swiped up fully, went to Home Screen scenePhase == .inactive - User has tapped the app icon scenePhase == .active - App is now active authenticate() - Method called authenticate(), authenticateViaBiometrics() == true - User is going to be authenticated via Face ID // Face ID did not appear! success = true - Result of calling `context.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics` means user was authenticated successfully error = nil - No error in the authentication policy authenticate(), success - Method finished, user was authenticated Here's the code: print("authenticate(), authenticateViaBiometrics() == true - User is going to be authenticated via Face ID") var error: NSError? guard context.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: &error) else { // Handle permission denied or error print("authenticate(), no permission, or error") authenticated = false defaultsUpdateAuthenticated(false) defaultsUpdateAuthenticateViaBiometrics(false) return } context.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, localizedReason: "Authenticate with biometrics") { (success, error) in DispatchQueue.main.async { print("success = \(success)") print("error = \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))") if(success) { print("authenticate(), success") authenticated = true } else { print("authenticate(), failure") authenticated = false } } } This happens with or without the DispatchQueue... call.
Aug ’24
Complying with the EU's Digital Services Act: Trader status
According to this Apple page, if you make any money from your apps in the EU you have to provide your email address, phone number and address, and they will be displayed on your App Store page for all and sundry to see, use, and likely, abuse. I don't want anyone and everyone to know those details; they are private. I thought Apple was all about privacy? I understand they have to adhere to the DSA, but Apple hasn't raised a single objection to this. Apple has consistently said that not sharing a user's email address with a developer is a part of being in the App Store, i.e. Spotify can't contact someone who downloaded their app; but a user can now contact the developer? I barely make any money from my apps - not even enough to cover the annual developer program fee - but I keep developing to stay current. I cannot afford a PO Box or business address and phone number to shield me from this, so I'm likely to remove my apps from the EU market. You might think I'm being overly-cautious, or having a knee-jerk reaction, but these are my personal, private details, and they should not be available publicly just because I barely clear £1.50 a month from my apps.
Aug ’24
How to use the new Text timer formats?
I'm trying to get a countdown timer to work, and the way I currently do it in my watchOS 10 app is a complicated load of nonsense to get two Strings that look like "1w 1d" and "12:34:56", i.e. a String that shows components like year, week and day, and another String showing hours, minutes and seconds. The new Text formats seen here look useful, but I can't get them to return the values I need. If I use this: let dateA = let dateB = Date.advanced(by: /* value for 8 days, 12 hours, 34 minutes and 56 seconds */) Text(dateA, format: .offset(to: dateB, allowedFields: [.year, .week, .day], maxFieldCount: 3)) I expect to see "1 week 1 day", but it always comes back as "8 days". I guess it's giving me the most concise result, but I don't want that. I'm not sure anyone would want that. Imagine you have an event coming up in 3 days 6 hours, do you want to see "in 78 hours" or do you want "in 3 days and 6 hours"? Why must we make the user calculate the days and hours in their head when we have the ability to give them the right information? While I'm on this, why does the resulting String have to have "in " at the beginning? I don't want that; it's not my use case, but it's forced on me. I've raised this a hundred times with Apple. I just want to see a String that shows the difference between two dates in a format of my choosing, i.e. "1w 1d", but they never give me what I need, so I have to write extremely complex - and fragile - code that figures this stuff out, and I still can't get that to work properly. Why can't we just have something like: Text(from: dateA, to: dateB, format: "%yy %ww %dd") // for "1 year 2 weeks 3 days", show parts with a value > 0 Text(from: dateA, to: dateB, format: "%0yy %0ww %0dd") // for "0 years 2 weeks 3 days", show all parts regardless of value Text(from: dateA, to: dateB, format: "%y %w %d") // for "1y 2w 3d", show parts with a value > 0 Text(from: dateA, to: dateB, format: "%0y %0w %0d") // for "0y 2w 3d", show all parts regardless of value
Jul ’24
How do I get my widgets to work?
iOS app with Home Screen and Lock Screen widgets written in Swift/SwiftUI. I've never been able to get widgets to work properly. It's more pronounced on Lock Screen widgets, so let's try that method first... The app stores data in Core Data as an Event. They're read into my model and stored as WidgetEventDetails structs: struct WidgetEventDetails: AppEntity, Identifiable, Hashable { public var eventId: String public var name: String public var date: Date public var id: String { eventId } This all works absolutely fine in the iOS app, and each one is unique based on the eventId. When I go to add a Lock Screen widget, I customise the Lock Screen, tap in the section to add a widget, and my widgets appear correctly and are selectable: (bottom right, says "1y 28w 1d") So, I tap it and it appears in the widgets section: But it appears as "17w 6d", which is a different event entirely. Notice how the one in the selectable widgets has changed to "15w 5d", and the one I tapped (1y 28w 1d) is nowhere to be seen. So, I tap the one in the top row (17w 6d) to select an event, and this appears, suggesting that the event is the "Edinburgh & Glasgow 2024-02" event: But that event is actually only a day away (1d), so that's not the one I selected at all. I tap the list and see these events: I select "Las Vegas 2024", which is 17w 3d away, and this is shown: 17w 6d is a different event, not Las Vegas 2024. So, I tap it again and see this. The "Loading" text appears for ages, but occasionally does show the full list, as before: I select "Edinburgh & Glasgow 2024-02" which is 1d away, and I see this again: So, I resign myself to hoping it'll just figure itself out, and I tap "Done": "17w 6d" again :( I finish customising, and exit the customisation screen. I show the Lock Screen, and I see this: Why doesn't this work? Here's the code: @main struct WidgetExtensionBundle: WidgetBundle { @WidgetBundleBuilder var body: some Widget { WidgetExtension() } } struct WidgetExtension: Widget { var body: some WidgetConfiguration { AppIntentConfiguration(kind: kWidgetKind, intent: WidgetEventIntent.self, provider: WidgetEventTimelineProvider()) { entry in WidgetEntry(entry: entry) .environment(modelData) } .configurationDisplayName(NSLocalizedString("AddingWidget_Title", comment: "Adding the Widget")) .description(NSLocalizedString("AddingWidget_Description", comment: "Adding the Widget")) .supportedFamilies([.accessoryCircular, .accessoryInline, .accessoryRectangular, .systemSmall, .systemMedium]) .contentMarginsDisabled() } } struct WidgetEventIntent: WidgetConfigurationIntent { static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "AddingWidget_Title" static let description = IntentDescription(LocalizedStringResource("AddingWidget_Description")) @Parameter(title: LocalizedStringResource("Event")) var event: WidgetEventDetails? init(event: WidgetEventDetails? = nil) { self.event = event } init() {} static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary { \.$event } } } struct EventQuery: EntityQuery, Sendable { func entities(for identifiers: [WidgetEventDetails.ID]) async throws -> [WidgetEventDetails] { modelData.availableEvents.filter { identifiers.contains($ } // availableEvents is just [WidgetEventDetails] } func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [WidgetEventDetails] { return modelData.availableEvents.filter { $0.type == kEventTypeStandard } } } If you think it's the TimelineProvider causing it, I can provide that code, too.
Mar ’24
How to resize a UIImage and get rid of the white line?
Hi all. I've spent six hours today trying to resize images from the Photos Library on the iPhone Simulator, but no matter what I try - and I've tried everything on StackOverflow - I always get a white line at the bottom of the image, even when trying the suggestions that specifically say "this one even gets rid of the white line!" This is just one of the many attempts: let image: UIImage = <whatever> let size = CGSize(width: 800, height: 600) guard let data = resizeImage(image: image, size: size, scale: 1).jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.75) ?? image.pngData() else { return false } func resizeImage(image: UIImage, size: CGSize, scale: CGFloat) -> UIImage { let availableRect = AVFoundation.AVMakeRect(aspectRatio: image.size, insideRect: .init(origin: .zero, size: maxSize)) let targetSize = availableRect.size let format = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat() format.scale = scale let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: targetSize, format: format) let resized = renderer.image { (context) in image.draw(in: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: targetSize)) } return resized } I've read that image.draw(in:) adds that white line because it's using non-integer values and the background of a JPEG is white, so I floor()d and round()ed the size values, but I always get the white line. I just can't seem to get it to work. Does anyone have a working function that will resize one of the JPEG images included in the Simulator without putting that white line down there? Note: The pink/purple flowers image always resizes and comes back upside down, and the only difference I can see in the six images included in the Simulator is that that one is HEIF while all the others are JPEG. I'll also need any function to handle HEIF/HEIC, too, I guess... This is on Xcode 15.0.1 (15A507) with Simulator iOS 17.0.1. I've also tried it on a real device (iPhone 15 Pro Max, iOS 17.4) and the same thing happens, so it's not like the Simulator images are banjaxed in some way.
Mar ’24