Gathering Required Information for Troubleshooting Wallet Issues

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To ensure the issue is not caused by an error within your app or web service request, please review the following documentation:

If the resources above don’t help identify the cause of the error, please provide more information about your app or web services to get started. To prevent sending sensitive credentials in plain text, create a report in Feedback Assistant to share the details requested below. Additionally, if the error is something we need to investigate further, the appropriate engineering teams also have access to the same information and can communicate with you directly within Feedback Assistant for more information, as needed. Please follow the instructions below to submit your report.

For issues occurring with your native app or web service, perform the following steps:

  1. Install the Wallet profile on your iOS or watchOS device.
  2. Reproduce the issue and make a note of the timestamp when the issue occurred, while optionally capturing screenshots or video.
  3. Gather a sysdiagnose on the same iOS or watchOS device.
  4. Create a Feedback Assistant report with the following information:
    1. The serial number of the device.
      • Open Settings > General > About > Serial Number (tap and hold to copy).
    2. The SEID (Secure Element Identifier) of the device, represented as a HEX encoded string.
      • Open Settings > General > About > SEID (tap and hold to copy).
  5. The sysdiagnose gathered after reproducing the issue.
  6. The timestamp of when the issue was reproduced.
  7. Screenshots or videos of errors and unexpected behaviors (optional).

Important: From the logs gathered above, you should be able to determine the cause of the failure from PassbookUIService, PassKit or PassKitCore, and by filtering for your SEID or pass type identifier in the Safari Web Inspector. See Inspecting Safari on macOS to learn more.

Submitting your feedback

Before you submit to Feedback Assistant, please confirm the requested information above is included in your feedback. Failure to provide the requested information will only delay my investigation into the reported issue within your Wallet pass implementation.

After your submission to Feedback Assistant is complete, please respond in your existing Developer Forums post with the Feedback ID. Once received, I can begin my investigation and determine if this issue is caused by an error within your web implementation, a configuration issue within your developer account, or an underlying system bug.


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Gathering Required Information for Troubleshooting Wallet Issues