SceneView camera viewpoint restoration

SceneKit SCNScene MacOS 15.1 Xcode 16.0

SceneView(scene: <created scene>, options:[autoenablesDefaultLighting, allowsCameraContol]

there is:



<scene>.rootNode.nestedChildNodes each with its own animation

when the object is animated and dragged by mouse to change the view point, I can't return the view to the previous view. I have reinstated a clone of the original cameraNode, positions of all childNodes, removed and re-activated all animations... in vain. I have also cloned, removed and replaced <scene>, in vain.

The documentation states the camera is "attached" to an SCNNode but does not say how. I make no declaration to associate <scene>.rootNode.cameraNode to <scene> yet if either is absent there is no scene to view.

What am I missing?


SceneView camera viewpoint restoration