Display name for CloudKit container in the "Manage Storage" view of Settings

How can I set the display name of the CloudKit container in Settings -> iCloud -> Manage Storage.

I have multiple containers, some legacy, and some for certain modules that are shared among a suite of apps. The problem is all Containers show the same name so it is not possible to advise a user which containers are safe to delete. I am using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer.

According to the response in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/735022, it depends on whether your apps are published to the App Store or not.

For an App Store app, the system uses the associated iCloud container ID to retrieves the app name and icon from the App Store.

For an app that isn't in App Store and is installed with Xcode, the system uses the last component of the iCloud container ID as the app name, and the Xcode-generated icon.

However, replacing the container or changing app's metadata in the App Store is likely not an option.

Display name for CloudKit container in the "Manage Storage" view of Settings