In my SceneKit game I'm able to connect two players with GKMatchmakerViewController
. Now I want to support the scenario where one of them disconnects and wants to reconnect. I tried to do this with this code:
nonisolated public func match(_ match: GKMatch, player: GKPlayer, didChange state: GKPlayerConnectionState) { Task { @MainActor in switch state { case .connected: break case .disconnected, .unknown: let matchRequest = GKMatchRequest() matchRequest.recipients = [player] do { try await GKMatchmaker.shared().addPlayers(to: match, matchRequest: matchRequest) } catch { } @unknown default: break } } } nonisolated public func player(_ player: GKPlayer, didAccept invite: GKInvite) { guard let viewController = GKMatchmakerViewController(invite: invite) else { return } viewController.matchmakerDelegate = self present(viewController) }
But after presenting the view controller with GKMatchmakerViewController(invite:)
, nothing else happens. I would expect matchmakerViewController(_:didFind:)
to be called, or how would I get an instance of GKMatch
Here is the code I use to reproduce the issue, and below the reproduction steps.
- Run the attached project on an iPad and a Mac simultaneously.
- On both devices, tap the ship to connect to GameCenter.
- Create an automatched match by tapping the rightmost icon on both devices.
- When the two devices are matched, on iPad close the dialog and tap on the ship to disconnect from GameCenter.
- Wait some time until the Mac detects the disconnect and automatically sends an invitation to join again.
- When the notification arrives on the iPad, tap it, then tap the ship to connect to GameCenter again. The iPad receives the call
, but nothing else, so there’s no way to get aGKMatch
instance again.