How can I be notified when my app is in foreground and server start an live activity by push notification

My app will be woken when Activity<Attributes>.pushToStartTokenUpdates delivered the new token.

But I want to know how can I get the activity.pushTokenUpdates when my server start an live activity via push notification, because without the activity.pushTokenUpdates, my server can't deliver update information after start the live activity.

For now, I check the activities when my app switch foreground/background. But how can I be notified when my app is in foreground and server start an live activity by push notification.

I've tried "content-available": 1 in LA's payload aps, but I also can't be notified in the didReceiveRemoteNotification in appDelegate.

Try listening for updates inside the pushTokenUpdates block, as it gets triggered when a live activity is started via a push notification.

How can I be notified when my app is in foreground and server start an live activity by push notification