I'm trying to add support to PS5 DualSense controller. when I try to use the API from here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/gamecontroller/gcdualsenseadaptivetrigger?language=objc None of the API works, am I missed anything? The code is like this:
if ( [ controller.extendedGamepad isKindOfClass:[ GCDualSenseGamepad class ] ] )
GCDualSenseGamepad * dualSenseGamePad = ( GCDualSenseGamepad * )controller.extendedGamepad;
auto funcSetEffectTrigger = []( TriggerEffectParams& params, GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger *trigger ) {
if ( params.m_mode == TriggerEffectMode::Off )
[ trigger setModeOff ];
NSLog(@"setModeOff trigger.mode:%d", trigger.mode );
else if ( params.m_mode == TriggerEffectMode::Feedback )
[ trigger setModeFeedbackWithStartPosition: 0.2f resistiveStrength: 0.5f ];
else if ( params.m_mode == TriggerEffectMode::Weapon )
[ trigger setModeWeaponWithStartPosition: 0.2f endPosition: 0.4f resistiveStrength: 0.5f ];
else if ( params.m_mode == TriggerEffectMode::Vibration )
[ trigger setModeVibrationWithStartPosition: position amplitude: amplitude frequency: frequency ];
if ( L2 )
funcSetEffectTrigger( params, dualSenseGamePad.leftTrigger );
if ( R2 )
funcSetEffectTrigger( params, dualSenseGamePad.rightTrigger );
I've also tested to add "Game Controllers" capability to Target, still not working. Can't find anything else from the document or forums. I've no idea what need to do.