Help with "500 Broker Service Response Exception" during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning

I tried to test In-App Provisioning in Production for our whitelisted app through TestFlight (Internal Testing Track) and we received the following error response from PassBook during the provisioning attempt, Could you please guide us? Error Response from sysdiagnose PassBookUIService during In-App Provisioning attempt: { statusCode = 500; statusMessage = "Broker Service Response exception"; } I reported the error in Feedback Assistant: ID: FB16112348 (500 Broker Service Response exception during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning ).

Note:- I am reffering to Getting Started with Apple Pay: In-App Provisioning, Verification, Security, and Wallet Extensions

Hi, I have the same issue. Did you get the problem fixed by Apple?

Nope! I am still waiting for a reply from Apple.

Help with "500 Broker Service Response Exception" during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning