When attempting to create a CKShare on a personal device linked to a Family iCloud plan (non-primary account holder), the operation fails with a quotaExceeded error. This occurs with the Family plan having 1.5TB available storage space.
This is also causing a data loss for the object(s) that were attempted to be shared.
- Account Type: Family iCloud Plan (2TB total storage)
- Current Family Usage: 399GB
- iCloud Account Usage: 70 GB
Steps to Reproduce:
- Have an iCloud account with storage over the 5GB free space limit.
- Be on a part of a iCloud Family Plan as the non-primary account holder.
- Have storage space available in the Family Plan
- Attempt to start a CloudKit Share/Collaboration on the device.
- Observe that the CKShare creation fails with a quotaExceeded error.
Expected Behavior:
- The CKShare should be successfully created, reflecting the total available storage of the Family plan.
Observed Behavior:
- The CKShare fails to be created with quotaExceeded.
Additional Testing
- On a test device using an iCloud account with no stored data, the CKShare was created successfully and shared without issue.
Suspected Cause
- The CKShare functionality is verifying the personal storage allocation of the iCloud account and failing without checking total available storage provided by the Family plan.