The SimpleFirewall application in the Filtering Network Traffic example works fine: I built and ran it on the same system, and I can see the request delegate getting callbacks in the example application.
With respect to the log snippet you posted, is Coder Desktop your app?
Yes, that's correct.
import Foundation
import os
import SystemExtensions
enum SystemExtensionState: Equatable, Sendable {
case uninstalled
case needsUserApproval
case installed
case failed(String)
var description: String {
switch self {
case .uninstalled:
return "VPN SystemExtension is waiting to be activated"
case .needsUserApproval:
return "VPN SystemExtension needs user approval to activate"
case .installed:
return "VPN SystemExtension is installed"
case let .failed(error):
return "VPN SystemExtension failed with error: \(error)"
protocol SystemExtensionAsyncRecorder: Sendable {
func recordSystemExtensionState(_ state: SystemExtensionState) async
extension CoderVPNService: SystemExtensionAsyncRecorder {
func recordSystemExtensionState(_ state: SystemExtensionState) async {
sysExtnState = state
var extensionBundle: Bundle {
let extensionsDirectoryURL = URL(
fileURLWithPath: "Contents/Library/SystemExtensions",
relativeTo: Bundle.main.bundleURL
let extensionURLs: [URL]
do {
extensionURLs = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: extensionsDirectoryURL,
includingPropertiesForKeys: nil,
options: .skipsHiddenFiles)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to get the contents of " +
"\(extensionsDirectoryURL.absoluteString): \(error.localizedDescription)")
// here we're just going to assume that there is only ever going to be one SystemExtension
// packaged up in the application bundle. If we ever need to ship multiple versions or have
// multiple extensions, we'll need to revisit this assumption.
guard let extensionURL = extensionURLs.first else {
fatalError("Failed to find any system extensions")
guard let extensionBundle = Bundle(url: extensionURL) else {
fatalError("Failed to create a bundle with URL \(extensionURL.absoluteString)")
return extensionBundle
func installSystemExtension() {"activating SystemExtension")
guard let bundleID = extensionBundle.bundleIdentifier else {
logger.error("Bundle has no identifier")
let request = OSSystemExtensionRequest.activationRequest(
forExtensionWithIdentifier: bundleID,
queue: .main
let delegate = SystemExtensionDelegate(asyncDelegate: self)
request.delegate = delegate
OSSystemExtensionManager.shared.submitRequest(request)"submitted SystemExtension request with bundleID: \(bundleID)")
/// A delegate for the OSSystemExtensionRequest that maps the callbacks to async calls on the
/// AsyncDelegate (CoderVPNService in production).
class SystemExtensionDelegate<AsyncDelegate: SystemExtensionAsyncRecorder>:
NSObject, OSSystemExtensionRequestDelegate
private var logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.coder.Coder-Desktop", category: "vpn-installer")
private var asyncDelegate: AsyncDelegate
init(asyncDelegate: AsyncDelegate) {
self.asyncDelegate = asyncDelegate
super.init()"SystemExtensionDelegate initialized")
func request(
_: OSSystemExtensionRequest,
didFinishWithResult result: OSSystemExtensionRequest.Result
) {
guard result == .completed else {
logger.error("Unexpected result \(result.rawValue) for system extension request")
let state = SystemExtensionState.failed("system extension not installed: \(result.rawValue)")
Task { [asyncDelegate] in
await asyncDelegate.recordSystemExtensionState(state)
}"SystemExtension activated")
Task { [asyncDelegate] in
await asyncDelegate.recordSystemExtensionState(SystemExtensionState.installed)
func request(_: OSSystemExtensionRequest, didFailWithError error: Error) {
logger.error("System extension request failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Task { [asyncDelegate] in
await asyncDelegate.recordSystemExtensionState(
func requestNeedsUserApproval(_ request: OSSystemExtensionRequest) {
logger.error("Extension \(request.identifier) requires user approval")
Task { [asyncDelegate] in
await asyncDelegate.recordSystemExtensionState(SystemExtensionState.needsUserApproval)
func request(
_ request: OSSystemExtensionRequest,
actionForReplacingExtension existing: OSSystemExtensionProperties,
withExtension extension: OSSystemExtensionProperties
) -> OSSystemExtensionRequest.ReplacementAction {
// swiftlint: disable line_length"Replacing \(request.identifier) v\(existing.bundleShortVersion) with v\(`extension`.bundleShortVersion)")
// swiftlint: enable line_length
return .replace
My CoderVPNService
is an @MainActor
class, if it matters, and this extension to it and the accompanying delegate handle the system extension request and reporting back status asynchronously.