In, it is said that
But if it’s holding up connections that match the on demand rules, that’s the correct behaviour.
So if there was an on demand rule to connect for all domains (Connect rule without any matching criteria), all traffic would be held up while in the connecting state. The problem is that a customer can have SSO configured so that auth happens outside of the vpn app. So sequence would be
- Connect for all domains on demand rule triggers vpn connection
- VPN, in order to connect, tries auth through a broker app.
- VPN is in connecting state and blocks broker app traffic and so auth cannot complete and it cannot connect.
I tried adding an on demand rule for EvaluateConnection and never connect for the auth domains. However, that caused the vpn to never be triggered to connect.
Is it possible to support the scenario of an on demand rule to connect for all domains while having a vpn connection dependent on auth done in a separate app? Do you have any recommendations?
Oh wow, I’m surprised you got this far. Conceptually, packet tunnel providers are non-UI code that live deep in the networking stack, while Authentication Services is intended to be used by apps.
Which isn’t to say that your overall goal is wrong, just that I’m surprised that it works at all.
Regarding that overall goal, I don’t see a way to make this setup work. It’s kinda like you need a ‘but not matching’ list to the connect rule (or the evaluation connection rule), and nothing like that currently exists.
My only suggestion is that you file a bug [1] about this. File it against Network Extension, but make it clear that it’d be fine if the solution was part of the SSO space [2].
Please post your bug number, just for the record.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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[1] Or is it an enhancement request? Well, I think this is one of the cases where that doesn’t matter.
[2] For example, a way for a site admin to configure SSO to opt out of VPN On Demand.