Failed to verify code signature 0xe8008001

After updating Xcode my app stoped running on real device

The error message you're encountering indicates that Xcode is unable to install the "React Health Plus" app on your connected device due to a code signature verification failure. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to fix this issue:

  • Clean Build Folder:
    • Go to Xcode > Product > Clean Build Folder.
    • This removes any temporary build files that might be causing the issue.
  • Archive and Install:
    • Instead of running directly, try archiving the app first.
    • Go to Xcode > Product > Archive.
    • After archiving, open Organizer (Window > Organizer), select the archive, and click "Distribute" -> "Save for Enterprise or Ad Hoc Deployment".
    • Then, try installing the IPA file manually on your device using iTunes or TestFlight.
  • Check Code Signing Settings:
    • Ensure that your project's code signing settings are correct.
    • Open your project's target settings.
    • Under "General" -> "Signing & Capabilities", verify that the correct provisioning profile is selected for both "Debug" and "Release" configurations.
    • The provisioning profile should match the team account and device you are trying to install on.

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

Failed to verify code signature 0xe8008001