Is this always possible using systemextensionsctl by root? Is there a way to prevent root from removing an Endpoint Security Extension? The use case is for a Mac managed by AirWatch.
Last I checked the uninstall
command only works if you disable SIP:
% sw_vers
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 15.2
BuildVersion: 24C101
% systemextensionsctl list
1 extension(s)
--- (…)
enabled active teamID bundleID (version) …
* * SKMME9E2Y8 …
% sudo systemextensionsctl uninstall SKMME9E2Y8
At this time, this tool cannot be used if System Integrity Protection is enabled.
This limitation will be removed in the near future.
Please remember to re-enable System Integrity Protection!
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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