Hello, I am trying to get the new iPhone 16 pro to achieve 4k 120fps encoding when we are getting the video feed from the default, wide angle camera on the back. We are using the apple API to capture the individual frames from the camera as they are processed and we get them in this callback:
// this is the main callback function to handle video frames captured
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
We are then taking these frames as they come in and encoding them using VideoToolBox. After they are encoded, they are added to a ring buffer so we can access them after they have been encoded.
The problem is that when we are encoding these frames on an iPhone 16 Pro, we are only reaching 80-90fps instead of 120fps. We have removed as much processing as we can. We get some small attributes about the frame when it comes in, encode the frame, and then add it to our ring buffer.
I have attached a sample project that is broken down as much as possible to the basic task of encoding 4k 120fps footage. Inside the sample app, there is an fps and pps display showing how many frames we are encoding per second. FPS represents how many frames we are coming in per second from the camera, and PPS represents how many frames we are processing (encoding) per second.
Link to sample project: https://github.com/jake-fishtech/EncoderPerformance
Thanks you for any help or suggestions.
Hello @j-fishman,
In addition to specifying real-time encoding, I recommend that you also provide the expected frame-rate to the compression session:
status = VTSessionSetProperty(session, key: kVTCompressionPropertyKey_ExpectedFrameRate, value: NSNumber(value: 120))
With this change in your sample project, I am seeing 120fps on an iPhone 16 Pro.
-- Greg