AVCaptureDeviceRotationCoordinator for CAMetalLayer

The documentation for AVCaptureDeviceRotationCoordinator says it is designed to work with any CALayer but it seems like it is designed to work only with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer. Can someone confirm it is possible to make it work with other layers such as CAMetalLayer or AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 822674022

Hello @testinstadev,

it seems like it is designed to work only with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer

Was there some documentation that made you think that? It works with any CALayer type.

For example:

rotationCoordinator = AVCaptureDevice.RotationCoordinator(device: device, previewLayer: layer)

rotationCoordinator.publisher(for: \.videoRotationAngleForHorizonLevelPreview).sink { [self] degrees in
    let radians = degrees * .pi / 180
                    displayLayer.setAffineTransform(CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: radians))
}.store(in: &cancellables)

In that example, the displayLayer is an AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, but it could be any layer type.

-- Greg

Accepted Answer

Hello @testinstadev,

it seems like it is designed to work only with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer

Was there some documentation that made you think that? It works with any CALayer type.

For example:

rotationCoordinator = AVCaptureDevice.RotationCoordinator(device: device, previewLayer: layer)

rotationCoordinator.publisher(for: \.videoRotationAngleForHorizonLevelPreview).sink { [self] degrees in
    let radians = degrees * .pi / 180
                    displayLayer.setAffineTransform(CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: radians))
}.store(in: &cancellables)

In that example, the displayLayer is an AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, but it could be any layer type.

-- Greg

AVCaptureDeviceRotationCoordinator for CAMetalLayer