How to Reduce Geolocation Drifting Inside Buildings on iOS?

I am developing a Flutter app that uses geolocation data extensively. While the location accuracy is excellent under an open sky, I’ve noticed significant drifting when users are inside large buildings. This impacts the app’s functionality as precise location data is critical.

I would like to know:

Are there any specific configurations or APIs available in the Apple ecosystem to enhance indoor geolocation accuracy? Would combining GPS with other location technologies (like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) reduce drifting effectively? Are there recommended practices for handling geolocation indoors on iOS? Any advice, examples, or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Would combining GPS with other location technologies (like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) reduce drifting effectively?

The values you get from Core Location have already been merged in this way.

I think the answer to your question is basically "no".

How to Reduce Geolocation Drifting Inside Buildings on iOS?