Odd, transient .badContainer error in CloudKit

I'm beta-testing a CloudKit-based app. One of my testers suddenly reported that they got a .badContainer CloudKit error:

<CKError 0x302619800:"Bad Container" (5/1014); server message = "Invalid container to get bundle ids"; op = <...>; uuid = <...>; container ID = "<...>">

(all private info replaced with <...>)

The container ID in the message was exactly what I expected, and exactly what other users are successfully using.

When I followed up on the report, the user said she tried again later and everything was fine. It's still working fine days later.

What could cause a user to get a .badContainer message, when all other users using the same app are fine, the container ID makes sense, and future runs work fine?

Is this something I need to worry about? Does it maybe sometimes happen when CloudKit is having some kind of outage?

The error being transient indicates either of the following cases:

  1. The error message is not accurate
  2. The system on those specific user devices (temporarily) hit an entitlement validation issue.

For case 1, I'd suggest that you Capture and analyze a sysdiagnose to see if there is anything interesting.

For case 2, I don't see anything you can do, and would suggest that you file a feedback report.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

Odd, transient .badContainer error in CloudKit