I've got a watch app, still with storyboard, WKInterfaceController and WatchConnectivity.
After updating it for swift 6 concurrency I thought I'd keep it for a little while without swift 6 concurrency dynamic runtime check.
So I added -disable-dynamic-actor-isolation in OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS, but it doesn't seem to have an effect for the Apple Watch target. Without manually marking callbacks where needed with @Sendable in
dynamic checks seem to be in place.
swiftc invocation is as (includes -disable-dynamic-actor-isolation):
swiftc -module-name GeoCameraWatchApp -Onone -enforce-exclusivity\=checked ... GeoCameraWatchApp.SwiftFileList -DDEBUG -enable-bridging-pch -disable-dynamic-actor-isolation -D DEBUG -enable-experimental-feature DebugDescriptionMacro -sdk /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/WatchOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/WatchOS11.2.sdk -target arm64_32-apple-watchos7.0 -g -module-cache-path /Users/stand/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex -Xfrontend -serialize-debugging-options -enable-testing -index-store-path /Users/stand/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/speedo-almhjmryctkitceaufvkvhkkfvdw/Index.noindex/DataStore -enable-experimental-feature OpaqueTypeErasure -Xcc -D_LIBCPP_HARDENING_MODE\=_LIBCPP_HARDENING_MODE_DEBUG -swift-version 6
-disable-dynamic-actor-isolation flag seems to be working for the iOS targets, I believe.
Am I missing something? Should the flag work for both iOS and Apple Watch targets?