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Apollo GraphQL Error – MultipartResponseParsingInterceptor.ParsingError.cannotParseResponse in SwiftUI
I'm integrating Apollo GraphQL into a SwiftUI app and encountering the following error during a query execution: result : failure(Apollo.MultipartResponseParsingInterceptor.ParsingError.cannotParseResponse) failed : The response data could not be parsed. The request hits the server, but the response fails to be parsed by Apollo. I'm using the default code generation setup and executing a simple query to fetch a list of countries. Here’s a snippet of the function: swift Copy Edit private func fetchCountries() { switch result { case .success(let graphQLResult): if let name = graphQLResult.data?.countries { print(name) } else if let errors = graphQLResult.errors { print(errors) } case .failure(let error): print("failed : (error.localizedDescription)") } } This is run on an iPhone 16 Pro simulator with iOS 18.2. Any idea what's causing the parsing error or how I can inspect the raw response for debugging? Thanks in advance!
self.window.isVisible = NO not working in windowDidLoad
The following code won't work: - (void)windowDidLoad { [super windowDidLoad]; self.window.isVisible = NO; } The only main window still shows on application startup (in a minimal newly created app). One of my published apps in App Store relies on this behavior which had been working for many years since I started Xcode development.
is Share broken ?
I have added "share to " fonction in my App. With activityViewController as I do not use SwiftUI. The fonction captures the screen in a in image. I'm using Xcode Version 16.2 (16C5032a) and the iPhone where I test is running iOS 18.3.2 "share to", appears : I can send the image to Mail , via Airdrop, I can post to Facebook, threads .. but for BlueSky I have this error message : Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x303471e80> (Domain: com.apple.country.carrier_2, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: /var/mobile/Library/CountryBundles/, Contents Need Refresh: Yes): accessing preferences outside an application's container requires user-preference-read or file-read-data sandbox access 59638328 Plugin query method called elapsedCPUTimeForFrontBoard couldn't generate a task port connection invalidated Received port for identifier response: <(null)> with error:Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "Client not entitled" UserInfo={RBSEntitlement=com.apple.runningboard.process-state, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Client not entitled, `RBSPermanent=false}`` I have a working BlueSky app working, what is this "Client not entited " ?
Symbol not found: (_objc_claimAutoreleasedReturnValue)
When I run app, it works on iOS16+ device. But when I run on iOS15 device just working on debug mode, if I run release or profile modeI got runtime error: Log: (lldb) dyld[4928]: Symbol not found: (_objc_claimAutoreleasedReturnValue) Referenced from: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C724D7C6-82FA-4AF3-AE83-EC035B4429A5/Runner.app/Frameworks/geolocator_apple.framework/geolocator_apple' Expected in: '/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib' thread #1, stop reason = signal SIGABRT frame #0: 0x0000000106cbb2cc dyld`__abort_with_payload + 8 dyld`__abort_with_payload: -> 0x106cbb2cc <+8>: b.lo 0x106cbb2e8 ; <+36> 0x106cbb2d0 <+12>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]! 0x106cbb2d4 <+16>: mov x29, sp 0x106cbb2d8 <+20>: bl 0x106c8164c ; cerror_nocancel Target 0: (Runner) stopped. Flutter doctor : Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v): [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.29.2, on macOS 15.2 24C101 darwin-arm64, locale en-VN) [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 34.0.0) [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 16.2) [✓] Chrome - develop for the web [✓] Android Studio (version 2024.2) [✓] VS Code (version 1.97.2)
Not understanding synchronous/asynchronous code
Hello, For the below code please can you tell me why the test code print("line 64") is being printed after the test code print("line 84") ? (i.e. how do I stop that happening?) I would like the program to wait until the results array has been parsed before continuing the code (otherwise it does not have content to present). I'm a bit confused why this is happening because I haven't written "async" anywhere. import UIKit struct NewsFeed: Codable { var id: String var name: String var country: String var type: String var situation: String var timestamp: String } class QuoteTableViewController: UITableViewController { var newsFeed: [[String: String]] = [] override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { // let selectedQuote = quotes[indexPath.row] // performSegue(withIdentifier: "moveToQuoteDetail", sender: selectedQuote) } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // tableView.dataSource = self } // Uncomment the following line to preserve selection between presentations // self.clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear = false // Uncomment the following line to display an Edit button in the navigation bar for this view controller. // self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem // MARK: - Table view data source override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int { // #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections return 1 } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { // (viewDidLoad loads after tableView) // try getting array results here let urlString = "https://www.notafunnyname.com/jsonmockup.php" let url = URL(string: urlString) let session = URLSession.shared let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in var dataString = String(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) if error == nil && data != nil { // Parse JSON let decoder = JSONDecoder() do { var newsFeed = try decoder.decode([NewsFeed].self, from: data!) print("line 64") // print(newsFeed) // print("line 125") // print(newsFeed.count) print(error) } catch{ print("Line 72, Error in JSON parsing") print(error) } } } // Make the API Call dataTask.resume() // #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows print("line 84") print(newsFeed.count) return 10 } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { // let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "reuseIdentifier", for: indexPath) let cell = UITableViewCell () cell.textLabel?.text = "test" return cell } /* // Override to support conditional editing of the table view. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, canEditRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool { // Return false if you do not want the specified item to be editable. return true } */ /* // Override to support editing the table view. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: UITableViewCell.EditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { if editingStyle == .delete { // Delete the row from the data source tableView.deleteRows(at: [indexPath], with: .fade) } else if editingStyle == .insert { // Create a new instance of the appropriate class, insert it into the array, and add a new row to the table view } } */ /* // Override to support rearranging the table view. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, moveRowAt fromIndexPath: IndexPath, to: IndexPath) { } */ /* // Override to support conditional rearranging of the table view. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, canMoveRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool { // Return false if you do not want the item to be re-orderable. return true } */ // MARK: - Navigation // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { // Get the new view controller using segue.destination. // Pass the selected object to the new view controller. // getPrice() print("test_segue") if let quoteViewController = segue.destination as? QuoteDetailViewController{ if let selectedQuote = sender as? String { quoteViewController.title = selectedQuote } } } } Many thanks
Include swift class as an Instance variable in a C++ class
Is there a way to achieve the following using C++/Swift interoperability: class MyCppClass { public: ... ... private: bool member1; ACppClass member2; ASwiftClass member3; } I'm aware of the recent C++/Objective-C interoperability compiler setting, but can't find any information on whether this is possible. I've watched the Apple video: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10172/ and seen this post from Quinn: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/768928 but I don't see anyone discussing this kind of situation. Thanks in advance.
autoreleasepool with async await
I ran into a problem, I have a recursive function in which Data type objects are temporarily created, because of this, the memory expands until the entire recursion ends. It would just be fixed using autoreleasepool, but it can't be used with async await, and I really don't want to rewrite the code for callbacks. Is there any option to use autoreleasepool with async await functions? (I Googled one option, that the Task already contains its own autoreleasepool, and if you do something like that, it should work, but it doesn't, the memory is still growing) func autoreleasepool&lt;Result&gt;(_ perform: @escaping () async throws -&gt; Result) async throws -&gt; Result { try await Task { try await perform() }.value }
json array shows in debugger but can't parse (corrected question)
Hello, Please see the test project at https://we.tl/t-aWAu7kk9lD I have a json array showing in Xcode debugger (from the line "print(dataString)"): Optional("[{\"id\":\"8e8tcssu4u2hn7a71tkveahjhn8xghqcfkwf1bzvtrw5nu0b89w\",\"name\":\"Test name 0\",\"country\":\"Test country 0\",\"type\":\"Test type 0\",\"situation\":\"Test situation 0\",\"timestamp\":\"1546848000\"},{\"id\":\"z69718a1a5z2y5czkwrhr1u37h7h768v05qr3pf1h4r4yrt5a68\",\"name\":\"Test name 1\",\"country\":\"Test country 1\",\"type\":\"Test type 1\",\"situation\":\"Test situation 1\",\"timestamp\":\"1741351615\"},{\"id\":\"fh974sv586nhyysbhg5nak444968h7hgcgh6yw0usbvcz9b0h69\",\"name\":\"Test name 2\",\"country\":\"Test country 2\",\"type\":\"Test type 2\",\"situation\":\"Test situation 2\",\"timestamp\":\"1741351603\"},{\"id\":\"347272052385993\",\"name\":\"Test name 3\",\"country\":\"Test country 3\",\"type\":\"Test type 3\",\"situation\":\"Test situation 3\",\"timestamp\":\"1741351557\"}]") But my JSON decoder is throwing a catch error Line 57, Error in JSON parsing typeMismatch(Swift.Dictionary<Swift.String, Any>, Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "Expected to decode Dictionary<String, Any> but found an array instead.", underlyingError: nil)) This is the code: let urlString = "https://www.notafunnyname.com/jsonmockup.php" let url = URL(string: urlString) guard url != nil else { return } let session = URLSession.shared let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in var dataString = String(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) print(dataString) if error == nil && data != nil { // Parse JSON let decoder = JSONDecoder() do { let newsFeed = try decoder.decode(NewsFeed.self, from: data!) print("line 51") print(newsFeed) print(error) } catch{ print("Line 57, Error in JSON parsing") print(error) } } } // Make the API Call dataTask.resume() } And this is my Codable file NewsFeed.swift: struct NewsFeed: Codable { var id: String var name: String var country: String var type: String var situation: String var timestamp: String } Please do you know how to resolve the typeMismatch error?
json array shows in debugger but can't parse
Hello, I asked this question on 9th March but was asked to provide a project file and can't edit the original post. Please find the original question below and please find the new test project file at https://we.tl/t-fqAu8FrgUw. I have a json array showing in Xcode debugger (from the line "print(dataString)"): Optional("[{\"id\":\"8e8tcssu4u2hn7a71tkveahjhn8xghqcfkwf1bzvtrw5nu0b89w\",\"name\":\"Test name 0\",\"country\":\"Test country 0\",\"type\":\"Test type 0\",\"situation\":\"Test situation 0\",\"timestamp\":\"1546848000\"},{\"id\":\"z69718a1a5z2y5czkwrhr1u37h7h768v05qr3pf1h4r4yrt5a68\",\"name\":\"Test name 1\",\"country\":\"Test country 1\",\"type\":\"Test type 1\",\"situation\":\"Test situation 1\",\"timestamp\":\"1741351615\"},{\"id\":\"fh974sv586nhyysbhg5nak444968h7hgcgh6yw0usbvcz9b0h69\",\"name\":\"Test name 2\",\"country\":\"Test country 2\",\"type\":\"Test type 2\",\"situation\":\"Test situation 2\",\"timestamp\":\"1741351603\"},{\"id\":\"347272052385993\",\"name\":\"Test name 3\",\"country\":\"Test country 3\",\"type\":\"Test type 3\",\"situation\":\"Test situation 3\",\"timestamp\":\"1741351557\"}]") But my JSON decoder is throwing the catch error "Error in JSON parsing" This is the code: let urlString = "https://www.notafunnyname.com/jsonmockup.php" let url = URL(string: urlString) guard url != nil else { return } let session = URLSession.shared let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in var dataString = String(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) print(dataString) if error == nil && data != nil { // Parse JSON let decoder = JSONDecoder() do { let newsFeed = try decoder.decode(NewsFeed.self, from: data!) print(newsFeed) print(error) } catch{ print("Error in JSON parsing") } } } // Make the API Call dataTask.resume() } And this is my Codable file NewsFeed.swift: struct NewsFeed: Codable { var id: String var name: String var country: String var type: String var overallrecsit: String var dlastupd: String var doverallrecsit: String } Please do you know why the parsing may be failing? Is it significant that in the debugging window the JSON is displaying backslashes before the quotation marks? Thank you for any pointers :-)
Capturing self instead of using self. in switch case in DispatchQueue causes compiler error
I have an @objC used for notification. kTag is an Int constant, fieldBeingEdited is an Int variable. The following code fails at compilation with error: Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code if I capture self (I edited code, to have minimal case) @objc func keyboardDone(_ sender : UIButton) { DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] () -> Void in switch fieldBeingEdited { case kTag : break default : break } } } If I explicitly use self, it compiles, even with self captured: @objc func keyboardDone(_ sender : UIButton) { DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] () -> Void in switch fieldBeingEdited { // <<-- no need for self here case self.kTag : break // <<-- self here default : break } } } This compiles as well: @objc func keyboardDone(_ sender : UIButton) { DispatchQueue.main.async { () -> Void in switch self.fieldBeingEdited { // <<-- no need for self here case self.kTag : break // <<-- self here default : break } } } Is it a compiler bug or am I missing something ?
Using `@ObservedObject` in a function
No real intruduction for this, so I'll get to the point: All this code is on GitHub: https://github.com/the-trumpeter/Timetaber-for-iWatch But first, sorry; /* I got roasted, last time I posted; for not defining my stuff. This'll be different, but's gonna be rough; 'cuz there's lots and lots to get through: */ //this is 'Timetaber Watch App/Define (No expressions)/Courses_vDef.swift' on the GitHub: struct Course { let name: String let icon: String let room: String let colour: String let listName: String let listIcon: String let joke: String init(name: String, icon: String, room: String? = nil, colour: String, listName: String? = nil, listIcon: String? = nil, joke: String? = nil) { self.name = name self.icon = icon self.room = room ?? "None" self.colour = colour self.listName = listName ?? name self.listIcon = listIcon ?? (icon+".circle.fill") self.joke = joke ?? "" } } //this is 'Timetaber Watch App/TimeManager_fDef.swift' on the GitHub: func getCurrentClass(date: Date) -> Array<Course> { //returns the course in session depending on the input date //it is VERY long but //all you really need to know is what it returns: //basically: return [rightNow, nextUp] } /* I thought that poetry would be okay, But poorly thought things through: For I'll probably find that people online will treat my rhymes like spew. */ So into the question: I have a bunch of views, all (intendedly) watching two variables inside of a class: //Github: 'Timetaber Watch App/TimetaberApp.swift' class GlobalData: ObservableObject { @Published var currentCourse: Course = getCurrentClass(date: .now)[0] // the current timetabled class in session. @Published var nextCourse: Course = getCurrentClass(date: .now)[1] // the next timetabled class in session } ...and a bunch of views using them in different ways as follows: (Sorry, don't have the characters to define functions called in these) import SwiftUI //Github: 'Timetaber Watch App/Views/HomeView.swift' struct HomeView: View { @StateObject var data = GlobalData() var body: some View { //HERE: let icon = data.currentCourse.icon let name = data.currentCourse.name let colour = data.currentCourse.colour let room = roomOrBlank(course: data.currentCourse) let next = data.nextCourse VStack { //CURRENT CLASS Image(systemName: icon) .foregroundColor(Color(colour))//add an SF symbol element .imageScale(.large) .font(.system(size: 25).weight(.semibold)) Text(name) .font(.system(size:23).weight(.bold)) .foregroundColor(Color(colour)) .padding(.bottom, 0.1) //ROOM Text(room+"\n") .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .foregroundStyle(.gray) .font(.system(size: 15)) if next.name != noSchool.name { Spacer() //NEXT CLASS Text(nextPrefix(course: next)) .font(.system(size: 15)) Text(getNextString(course: next)) .font(.system(size: 15)) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) } }.padding() } } // Github: 'Timetaber Watch App/Views/ListView.swift' struct listTemplate: View { @StateObject var data = GlobalData() var listedCourse: Course = failCourse(feedback: "lT.12") var courseTime: String = "" init(course: Course, courseTime: String) { self.courseTime = courseTime self.listedCourse = course } var body: some View { let localroom = if listedCourse.room == "None" { "" } else { listedCourse.room } let image = if listedCourse.listIcon == "custom1" { Image(.paintbrushPointedCircleFill) } else { Image(systemName: listedCourse.listIcon) } HStack{ image .foregroundColor(Color(listedCourse.colour)) .padding(.leading, 5) Text(listedCourse.name) .bold() Spacer() Text(courseTime) Text(localroom).bold().padding(.trailing, 5) } .padding(.bottom, 1) .background(data.currentCourse.name==listedCourse.name ? Color(listedCourse.colour).colorInvert(): nil) //HERE } } struct listedDay: View { let day: Dictionary<Int, Course> var body: some View { let dayKeys = Array(day.keys).sorted(by: <) List { ForEach((0...dayKeys.count-2), id: \.self) { let num = $0 listTemplate(course: day[dayKeys[num]] ?? failCourse(feedback: "lD.53"), courseTime: time24toNormal(time24: dayKeys[num])) } } } } struct ListView: View { var body: some View { if storage.shared.termRunningGB && weekdayFunc(inDate: .now) != 1 && weekdayFunc(inDate: .now) != 7 { ScrollView { listedDay( day: getTimetableDay( isWeekA: getIfWeekIsA_FromDateAndGhost( originDate: .now, ghostWeek: storage.shared.ghostWeekGB ), weekDay: weekdayFunc(inDate: .now) ) ) } } else if !storage.shared.termRunningGB { Text("There's no term running.\nThe day's classes will be displayed here.") .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .foregroundStyle(.gray) .font(.system(size: 13)) } else { Text("No school today.\nThe day's classes will be displayed here.") .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .foregroundStyle(.gray) .font(.system(size: 13)) } } } //There's one more view but I can't fit it for characters. //On GitHub: 'Timetaber Watch App/Views/SettingsView.swift' So... THE FUNCTION: This function is called when changes are made that will affect the correct output of getCurrentClass. It is intended to reload the views and the current/next variables to reflect those changes.\ //GHub: 'Timetaber Watch App/StorageManager.swift' func reload() -> Void { @ObservedObject var globalData: GlobalData //this line is erroring, I don't know how to fix it. Is this even the best/proper way to do this? let courseData = getCurrentClass(date: .now) globalData.currentCourse = courseData[0] globalData.nextCourse = courseData[1] //Variable '_globalData' used by function definition before being initialized //that is the error appearing on those above two redefinitions. print("Setup done\n") } Thanks! -Gill
How to implement thread-safe property wrapper notifications across different contexts in Swift?
I’m trying to create a property wrapper that that can manage shared state across any context, which can get notified if changes happen from somewhere else. I'm using mutex, and getting and setting values works great. However, I can't find a way to create an observer pattern that the property wrappers can use. The problem is that I can’t trigger a notification from a different thread/context, and have that notification get called on the correct thread of the parent object that the property wrapper is used within. I would like the property wrapper to work from anywhere: a SwiftUI view, an actor, or from a class that is created in the background. The notification preferably would get called synchronously if triggered from the same thread or actor, or otherwise asynchronously. I don’t have to worry about race conditions from the notification because the state only needs to reach eventuall consistency. Here's the simplified pseudo code of what I'm trying to accomplish: // A single source of truth storage container. final class MemoryShared<Value>: Sendable { let state = Mutex<Value>(0) func withLock(_ action: (inout Value) -> Void) { state.withLock(action) notifyObservers() } func get() -> Value func notifyObservers() func addObserver() } // Some shared state used across the app static let globalCount = MemoryShared<Int>(0) // A property wrapper to access the shared state and receive changes @propertyWrapper struct SharedState<Value> { public var wrappedValue: T { get { state.get() } nonmutating set { // Can't set directly } } var publisher: Publisher {} init(state: MemoryShared) { // ... } } // I'd like to use it in multiple places: @Observable class MyObservable { @SharedState(globalCount) var count: Int } actor MyBackgroundActor { @SharedState(globalCount) var count: Int } @MainActor struct MyView: View { @SharedState(globalCount) var count: Int } What I’ve Tried All of the examples below are using the property wrapper within a @MainActor class. However the same issue happens no matter what context I use the wrapper in: The notification callback is never called on the context the property wrapper was created with. I’ve tried using @isolated(any) to capture the context of the wrapper and save it to be called within the state in with unchecked sendable, which doesn’t work: final class MemoryShared<Value: Sendable>: Sendable { // Stores the callback for later. public func subscribe(callback: @escaping @isolated(any) (Value) -> Void) -> Subscription } @propertyWrapper struct SharedState<Value> { init(state: MemoryShared<Value>) { MainActor.assertIsolated() // Works! state.subscribe { MainActor.assertIsolated() // Fails self.publisher.send() } } } I’ve tried capturing the isolation within a task with AsyncStream. This actually compiles with no sendable issues, but still fails: @propertyWrapper struct SharedState<Value> { init(isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation, state: MemoryShared<Value>) { let (taskStream, continuation) = AsyncStream<Value>.makeStream() // The shared state sends new values to the continuation. subscription = state.subscribe(continuation: continuation) MainActor.assertIsolated() // Works! let task = Task { _ = isolation for await value in taskStream { _ = isolation MainActor.assertIsolated() // Fails } } } } I’ve tried using multiple combine subjects and publishers: final class MemoryShared<Value: Sendable>: Sendable { let subject: PassthroughSubject<T, Never> // ... var publisher: Publisher {} // ... } @propertyWrapper final class SharedState<Value> { var localSubject: Subject init(state: MemoryShared<Value>) { MainActor.assertIsolated() // Works! handle = localSubject.sink { MainActor.assertIsolated() // Fails } stateHandle = state.publisher.subscribe(localSubject) } } I’ve also tried: Using NotificationCenter Making the property wrapper a class Using NSKeyValueObserving Using a box class that is stored within the wrapper. Using @_inheritActorContext. All of these don’t work, because the event is never called from the thread the property wrapper resides in. Is it possible at all to create an observation system that notifies the observer from the same context as where the observer was created? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
json array shows in debugger but can't parse
Hello, I have a json array showing in Xcode debugger (from the line "print(dataString)"): Optional("[{\"id\":\"8e8tfdcssu4u2hn7a71tkveahjhn8xghqcfkwf1bzvtrw5nu0b89w\",\"name\":\"Ameliana\",\"country\":\"France\",\"type\":\"Private\\/Corporate\",\"overallrecsit\":\"Positive\",\"dlastupd\":\"1741351633\",\"doverallrecsit\":\"1546848000\"},{\"id\":\"z69718a1a5z2y5czkwrhr1u37h7h768v05qr3pf1fegh4r4yrt5a68\",\"name\":\"Timberland\",\"country\":\"Switzerland\",\"type\":\"Charter\",\"overallrecsit\":\"Negative\",\"dlastupd\":\"1741351615\",\"doverallrecsit\":\"1740434582\"}, But my JSON decoder is throwing the catch error "Error in JSON parsing" This is the code: super.viewDidLoad() let urlString = "https://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/service_ios.php" let url = URL(string: urlString) guard url != nil else { return } let session = URLSession.shared let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in var dataString = String(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) print(dataString) if error == nil &amp;&amp; data != nil { // Parse JSON let decoder = JSONDecoder() do { let newsFeed = try decoder.decode(NewsFeed.self, from: data!) print(newsFeed) print(error) } catch{ print("Error in JSON parsing") } } } // Make the API Call dataTask.resume() } And this is my Codable file NewsFeed.swift: struct NewsFeed: Codable { var id: String var name: String var country: String var type: String var overallrecsit: String var dlastupd: String var doverallrecsit: String } Please do you know why the parsing may be failing? Is it significant that in the debugging window the JSON is displaying backslashes before the quotation marks? Thank you for any pointers :-)
Use of `for await` with `AyncStream`, and yielding async closures to its continuation
Hello, I was hoping to clarify my understanding of the use of for await with an AsyncStream. My use case is, I'd like to yield async closures to the stream's continuation, with the idea that, when I use for await with the stream to process and execute the closures, it would only continue on to the following closure once the current closure has been run to completion. At a high level, I am trying to implement in-order execution of async closures in the context of re-entrancy. An example of asynchronous work I want to execute is a network call that should write to a database: func syncWithRemote() async -> Void { let data = await fetchDataFromNetwork() await writeToLocalDatabase(data) } For the sake of example, I'll call the intended manager of closure submission SingleOperationRunner. where, at a use site such as this, my desired outcome is that call 1 of syncWithRemote() is always completed before call 2 of it: let singleOperationRunner = SingleOperationRunner(priority: nil) singleOperationRunner.run { syncWithRemote() } singleOperationRunner.run { syncWithRemote() } My sketch implementation looks like this: public final class SingleOperationRunner { private let continuation: AsyncStream<() async -> Void>.Continuation public init(priority: TaskPriority?) { let (stream, continuation) = AsyncStream.makeStream(of: (() async -> Void).self) self.continuation = continuation Task.detached(priority: priority) { // Will this loop only continue when the `await operation()` completes? for await operation in stream { await operation() } } } public func run(operation: @escaping () async -> Void) { continuation.yield(operation) } deinit { continuation.finish() } } The resources I've found are https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022-110351/?time=1445 and https://forums.swift.org/t/swift-async-func-to-run-sequentially/60939/2 but do not think I have fully put the pieces together, so would appreciate any help!
Asynchronous json retrieval
Hello, I am getting an error message "Cannot convert value of type 'URLSessionDataTask' to expected argument type 'Data'" for the last line of this code. Please can you tell me what the problem is? Thank you struct Item : Codable { var id: String var name: String var country: String var type: String var overallrecsit: String var dlastupd: String var doverallrecsit: String } let url = URL(string:"https://www.TEST_URL.com/api_ios.php") let json = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Item.self, from: URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!))
Use FormatStyle to print formatted values from a Vector structure
I'm trying to use FormatStyle from Foundation to format numbers when printing a vector structure. See code below. import Foundation struct Vector<T> { var values: [T] subscript(item: Int) -> T { get { values[item] } set { values[item] = newValue } } } extension Vector: CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { var desc = "( " desc += values.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: " ") desc += " )" return desc } } extension Vector { func formatted<F: FormatStyle>(_ style: F) -> String where F.FormatInput == T, F.FormatOutput == String { var desc = "( " desc += values.map { style.format($0) }.joined(separator: " ") desc += " )" return desc } } In the example below, the vector contains a mix of integer and float literals. The result is a vector with a type of Vector<Double>. Since the values of the vector are inferred as Double then I expect the print output to display as decimal numbers. However, the .number formatted output seems to ignore the vector type and print the values as a mix of integers and decimals. This is fixed by explicitly providing a format style with a fraction length. So why is the .formatted(.number) method ignoring the vector type T which is Double in this example? let vec = Vector(values: [-2, 5.5, 100, 19, 4, 8.37]) print(vec) print(vec.formatted(.number)) print(vec.formatted(.number.precision(.fractionLength(1...)))) ( -2.0 5.5 100.0 19.0 4.0 8.37 ) // correct output that uses all Double types ( -2 5.5 100 19 4 8.37 ) // wrong output that uses Int and Double types ( -2.0 5.5 100.0 19.0 4.0 8.37 ) // correct output that uses all Double types
Jetsam memory crash during Network framework usage
I'm using Network Framework to transfer files between 2 devices. The "secondary" device sends file requests to the "primary" device, and the primary sends the files back. When the primary gets the request, it responds like this: do { let data = try Data(contentsOf: filePath) let priSecDataFilePacket = PriSecDataFilePacket(fileName: filename, dataBlob: data) let jsonData = try JSONEncoder().encode(priSecDataFilePacket) let message = NWProtocolFramer.Message(priSecMessageType: PriSecMessageType.priToSecDataFile) let context = NWConnection.ContentContext(identifier: "TransferUtility", metadata: [message]) connection.send(content: encodedJsonToSend, contentContext: context, isComplete: true, completion: .idempotent) } catch { print("\(error)") } It works great, even for hundreds of file requests. The problem arises if some files being requested are extremely large, like 600MB. You can see the memory speedometer on the primary quickly ramp up to the yellow zone, at which point iOS kills the app for high memory use, and you see the Jetsam log. I changed the code to skip JSON encoding the binary file as a test, and that helped a bit, but it still goes too high; the real offender is the step where it loads the 600MB file into the data var: let data = try Data(contentsOf: filePath) If I remark out everything else and just leave that one line, I can still see the memory use spike. As a fix, I'm rewriting this so the secondary requests the file in 5MB chunks by telling the primary a byte range such as "0-5242880" or "5242881-10485760", and then reassembling the chunks on the secondary once they all come in. So far this seems promising, but it's a fair amount of work. My question: Does Network Framework have a built-in way to stream those bytes straight from disk as it sends them? So that I could send all the data in one single request without having to load the bytes into memory?
Understanding the Lifecycle and Memory Management of Captured Variables in Swift Closures
Hi, I am exploring Closures and trying to understand how they works. Closure have a special key feature that they can capture the context of the variables/constants from surroundings, once captured we can still use them inside the closure even if the scope in which they are defined does not exist. I want to understand the lifecycle of captured variable/constant i.e., where are these captured variables stored and when these get created and destroyed. How is memory managed for captured variables or constants in a closure, depending on whether they are value types or reference types?
Use String Catalog and Localization with class and struct
Hi Everyone, I was able to create the String Catalog with all my strings getting automatic into the stringCatalog except the strings from my models where is not swiftUI and where all I have a class with a lot of info for my app. Some classes are short and I was able to just make the strings localizable by adding on every line: (String(localized: "Telefone")) But I have one class which has Line: 1071 and Col: 1610 and every line I have 7 strings that needs to get localized. These 7 strings are repeated on every line. So I was trying to create a localization for these 7 strings on this class without having to write (String(localized: "Telefone")) 7 times on every line. is there a way? Here is short version of my class: import Foundation class LensStructFilter: Identifiable { var description: String init(description: String) { self.description = description } } let lensEntriesFilter: [LensStructFilter] = [ LensStructFilter(description: "Focal: 24mm \nAbertura Máxima: F2.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,30m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 52mm \nPeso: 275g \n\nFocal: 35mm \nAbertura Máxima: F2.0 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,25m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 52mm \nPeso: 205g \n\nFocal: 50mm \nAbertura Máxima: F1.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,45m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 52mm \nPeso: 185g \n\nFocal: 85mm \nAbertura Máxima: F1.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,80m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 67mm \nPeso: 350g \n\nFocal: 105mm MACRO \nAbertura Máxima: F2.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME \nBocal: Nikon F \nFoco Mínimo: 0,31m \nDiâmetro Frontal: 62mm \nPeso: 720g"), LensStructFilter(description: "Focal: 16-35mm  \nAbertura Máxima: F2.8 \nCobertura: FULL FRAME  \nBocal: EF \nFoco Mínimo: 0,28m \nDiâmetro Frontal (rosca): 82mm \nPeso: 790Kg"), Thanks