SwiftUI MapKit use of UserLocation struct

I have a map where I am using UserAnnotation() to show the user's location. Location permissions are handled elsewhere in the app. If the user has previously granted location permission, that is enough for the UserAnnotation() blue pin to appear. Otherwise, it just doesn't draw.

So the Map already knows the user's permission and location without my code again requesting location etc.

I was looking for a way to leverage the map's knowledge of the user's location and came across this struct as described in the Documentation for SwiftUI Mapkit

public struct UserLocation { public var heading: CLHeading? public var location: CLLocation? }

I thought this struct might expose the user's location, but how it is expected to be used or when it should populated is unknown from the point of the documentation.

Would someone please share the purpose and use of this struct?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 823414022

UserLocation is paired with UserAnnotation. You're using the version with the default initializer, but UserAnnotation also has an initialized with a content closure, which allows you to specify a custom view to represent the user annotation. A UserLocation is passed into this content closure as a parameter, so you could take in the heading information as part of the custom view, as an example.

—Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

UserLocation is paired with UserAnnotation. You're using the version with the default initializer, but UserAnnotation also has an initialized with a content closure, which allows you to specify a custom view to represent the user annotation. A UserLocation is passed into this content closure as a parameter, so you could take in the heading information as part of the custom view, as an example.

—Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

SwiftUI MapKit use of UserLocation struct