I'm converting SwiftData models into structs so I can fetch them in the background. To know when and which ones I need to update, I'm using iOS 18's new HistoryTransaction
Starting with iOS 18.3 (worked perfectly fine before), I'm getting this crash every time:
Thread 18: Fatal error: Failed to validate placeVideosIn.placeVideosIn because placeVideosIn is not a member of VideoPlacement
The crash is happening here:
static func findTransactions(after token: DefaultHistoryToken?) -> [DefaultHistoryTransaction] {
var historyDescriptor = HistoryDescriptor<DefaultHistoryTransaction>()
if let token {
historyDescriptor.predicate = #Predicate { transaction in
(transaction.token > token)
var transactions: [DefaultHistoryTransaction] = []
let taskContext = ModelContext(container)
do {
transactions = try taskContext.fetchHistory(historyDescriptor) // <- CRASH
} catch let error {
Logger.log.warning("findTransactions Error: \(error)")
return transactions
The SwiftData model has this enum property:
public final class Subscription {
// ...
public var placeVideosIn = VideoPlacement.defaultPlacement
The enum looks like this:
public enum VideoPlacement: Int {
case inbox = 0
case queueNext = 1
case nothing = 2
case defaultPlacement = 3
case queueLast = 4
The enum has changed at one point, but I was expecting that change to be transparent/additive. It looked like this before:
public enum VideoPlacement: Int {
case inbox, queue, nothing, defaultPlacement
Changing all values manually to e.g. .defaultPlacement
did not fix the crash. What did fix it was deleting all HistoryTransactions
var descriptor = HistoryDescriptor<DefaultHistoryTransaction>()
try modelContext.deleteHistory(descriptor)
For some reason, deleting all HistoryTransactions sometimes also deletes actual models. Is that to be expected?
Any idea how I could attempt to fix this issue?