labels appear as dimmed in UIView

In this setup, label do not show properly because of the textColor.

Labels are defined in IB, in the following hierarchy:

  • ViewController
    • View
      • Label 1
      • scrollView
        • View
          • Button
          • Label 2

Buttons show properly, but labels, even though defined with default label color appear as if their alpha was 0.2. It is even worse in dark mode:

I have checked the settings for the label and did not find anything anormal:

I have tried to change label color to system.gray 2, to no avail. If I change to red, does not show in red in IB.

Problem appears for both Label 1 (at the top level in the view) and Label 2

Answered by Claude31 in 823767022

OK, found the obvious answer: Label behaviour must be enabled ! But what does it really mean for a label to be enabled (user interaction being disabled…)

Accepted Answer

OK, found the obvious answer: Label behaviour must be enabled ! But what does it really mean for a label to be enabled (user interaction being disabled…)

labels appear as dimmed in UIView