[MacOS] regular disconnections in enterprise network

Hi, I am working on a case in our organisation where hundreds if not a thousand wireless network clients are affected by regular, usually 30 sometimes 60 minute sometime they are unnoticeable but often people having meetings notice that a lot.

We excluded wireless network configuration issue since disconnections happens to clients both connected to Cisco and Ubiquiti Access Points.

WLC logs mostly show EAP timeout errors - clients are getting disauthenticated and authenticated back - usually without any action needed - but the meeting is being interrupted.

What I found in Macbook logs with sudo log show [options] is the main reason of network disconnection:

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219192+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateTimeSincePreviousTriggerForStudy:msgKey:dictKey:]::913:msgkey:WFAAWDWASDS_symptomsDnsTimeSincePreviousTriggerMinutes dictKey:dps_lastSymptomsDpsTrigger previous_TS:(null) current_TS:Tue Feb  4 14:16:31 2025 difference:0

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219704+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateScreenState]::198:DPS Fast Reset Recommendation Engine: (screenON & foreGrnd traffic) is DETECTED

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219713+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine recommendSymptomsDpsRecovery:symptomsDnsStats:awdlState:currentSymptomsCondition:isLANPingSuccessful:appUsage:averageCCA:]::966:PeerDiagnostics: Data not received from peerDiagnostics

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219714+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine checkForPriorityNetwork]::256:Priority Network Check Disabled: NO IsPriorityNetwork: YES

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219732+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine isResetAllowedForKey:forPrefSelector:]::330:key:symptomsDps_lastScreenOnRecoveryWD previousWD_TS:(null) currentWD_TS:Tue Feb  4 14:16:31 2025 recommendation:YES

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219735+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine updateSymptomsDPSRecoveryWDStatsForKey:]::210:Added key: symptomsDps_numRecommendedScreenOnRecoveryWD value:1 dict:(null)

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219737+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[DPSQuickRecoveryRecommendationEngine recommendSymptomsDpsRecovery:symptomsDnsStats:awdlState:currentSymptomsCondition:isLANPingSuccessful:appUsage:averageCCA:]::1023:PeerDiagnostics: Recommendation for DNS Symptoms Recovery: Reassoc

Do you guys have any idea where can I see that DNS symptoms?

I can also see some reading like:

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219169+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4235:DNS Symptoms pre-decision check:: Associated:YES Primary:YES isCaptive:NO isValidDnsConfig:YES

2025-02-04 14:16:31.219169+0100 0xc01342   Default     0x0                  86459  0    wifianalyticsd: [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[WAEngine gatherConsecutiveDatapathReadings:forProcessToken:andReply:]_block_invoke::4238:SDNS: WiFi Not Primary - setting suppressedReason kSymptomsDnsWiFiInterfaceNotPrimary

WiFi Not Primary - how if this is my only interface? - I removed all other

Killing and disabling wifianalyticsd does not help - the process is being spawned by launchd on airportd request:

2025-02-04 08:54:11.903825+0100 0xb85274   Default     0x0                  627    0    airportd: (WiFiAnalytics) [com.apple.wifi.analytics:Default] -[WAClient _establishDaemonConnection]_block_invoke::1057:XPC: establishing connection to daemon with token ending in: <private>...
2025-02-04 08:54:11.907779+0100 0xb8504a   Default     0x0                  627    0    airportd: (IO80211) [com.apple.WiFiManager:] Info: <airport[627]> -[dpsManager submitDpsSymptom:isCriticalApp:]_block_invoke:
2025-02-04 08:54:11.907943+0100 0xb8504a   Default     0x0                  627    0    airportd: (IO80211) -[dpsManager submitDpsSymptom:isCriticalApp:]_block_invoke: Error preparing DPSNotification for submission: Error Domain=com.apple.wifi.analytics.errordomain Code=9014 "WAErrorCodeDaemonContactTimeout" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=WAErrorCodeDaemonContactTimeout}, or null WAMessageAWD
2025-02-04 08:54:11.908055+0100 0xb8504a   Default     0x0                  627    0    airportd: (IO80211) [com.apple.WiFiManager:] <airport[627]> -[dpsManager submitDpsSymptom:isCriticalApp:]_block_invoke: Error preparing DPSNotification for submission: Error Domain=com.apple.wifi.analytics.errordomain Code=9014 "WAErrorCodeDaemonContactTimeout" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=WAErrorCodeDaemonContactTimeout}, or null WAMessageAWD
2025-02-04 08:54:11.910453+0100 0xb85274   Default     0x0                  627    0    airportd: (libxpc.dylib) [com.apple.xpc:connection] [0x80fe64640] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false name=com.apple.wifianalyticsd
2025-02-04 08:54:11.911105+0100 0xb85382   Default     0x0                  1      0    launchd: [system/com.apple.wifianalyticsd:] internal event: WILL_SPAWN, code = 0
2025-02-04 08:54:11.911229+0100 0xb85382   Default     0x0                  1      0    launchd: [system/com.apple.wifianalyticsd:] service state: spawn scheduled
2025-02-04 08:54:11.911233+0100 0xb85382   Default     0x0                  1      0    launchd: [system/com.apple.wifianalyticsd:] service state: spawning
2025-02-04 08:54:11.911384+0100 0xb85382   Default     0x0                  1      0    launchd: [system/com.apple.wifianalyticsd:] launching: ipc (mach)
2025-02-04 08:54:11.920272+0100 0xb85382   Default     0x0                  1      0    launchd: [system/com.apple.wifianalyticsd [86459]:] xpcproxy spawned with pid 86459

Do you guys have any idea what is the cause of this behaviour? Or how to disable wifianalyticsd process for good?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 824042022

DevForums is primarily focused on code-level problems with the APIs in Apple’s various platform SDKs. You might have better luck asking this question over in the Apple Support Community, run by Apple Support, and specifically in the Business and Education topic area, where you’re more likely to find folks with relevant experience.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

DevForums is primarily focused on code-level problems with the APIs in Apple’s various platform SDKs. You might have better luck asking this question over in the Apple Support Community, run by Apple Support, and specifically in the Business and Education topic area, where you’re more likely to find folks with relevant experience.

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

[MacOS] regular disconnections in enterprise network