Hello, I was looking back into downloading the Tracking geographic locations in AR sample app from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/tracking-geographic-locations-in-ar
Unfortunately the Download links to the .zip of the DisplayingAPointCloudUsingSceneDepth sample project.
The exact same issue occurs when trying to download the sample code from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ARKit/creating-a-fog-effect-using-scene-depth
Wondering if those links are deliberately broken because of possible deprecations.
Thanks to any Apple Engineer willing to look into that.
Yes, that's odd... oops! Apologies for the broken link that downloads the wrong sample.
Please send us a bug report to have this fixed using the Feedback Assistant.
Note: I'm unable to see a link to "Tracking geographic locations in AR" from the "Creating a fog effect using scene depth" page.
Instead I see something like this:
See Also
Video Frame Analysis
Displaying a point cloud using scene depth
Present a visualization of the physical environment by placing points based a scene’s depth data.
class ARFrame
A video image captured as part of a session with position-tracking information.
class ARPointCloud
A collection of points in the world coordinate space of the AR session.
class ARDepthData
An object that describes the distance to regions of the real world from the plane of the camera.