Adding Markdown support in notes app

Hi guys, I’m making a simple note taking app and I want to support markdown functionality. I have tried to find libraries and many other GitHub repos but some of them are slow and some of them are very hard to implement and not very customizable.

In WWDC 22 apple also made a markdown to html document app and I also looked at that code and it was awesome. It was fast and reliable (Apple btw).

But the only problem I am facing is that the markdown text is on the left side and the output format is on the right in the form of html. I don’t want that I want both in the same line. In bear notes and things 3 you can write in markdown and you can see that it is converting in the same line. I have also attached example videos. So, I have markdown parser by apple but the only thing in the way is that it is converting it into a html document. Please help me with this. Also please look into the things 3 video they have also completely customized the text attributes selection menu. By default with UITextView we can only enable text attributes and it shows like this.

By clicking more we get the complete formatting menu but not the slider menu which is more convenient. Please also help me this. I don’t know if I can provide apple file but it is from wwdc 22 supporting desktop class interaction

Adding Markdown support in notes app