Can't deploy CloudKit schema because of empty record? Why?

When I try to promote schema to production, I get following error:

Cannot promote schema with empty type 'workspace', please delete the record type before attempting to migrate the schema again

However, in hierarchical root record sharing, I think it should be completely legit use case where there is empty root record (in my case workspace) to which other records reference through ->parent reference.

Am I missing something? Is this weird constraint imposed on CloudKit?

Well, the message makes it clear that deploying an empty record type to the production environment isn't allowed, and I don't think you can bypass the check.

I understand that your intent is to organize a record hierarchy (for sharing) with an empty record, but even that, it is reasonable to me that a root record has metadata, because the record is there for presenting a hierarchy. In your case, it is a workspace, and so it is reasonable that a workspace has metadata like a name, an identifier, a description, and etc.

If you do need to allow empty record type, I’d suggest that you file a feedback report with your reasoning for the CloudKit team to evaluate – If you do so, please share your report ID here.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

Can't deploy CloudKit schema because of empty record? Why?