Hi, I have noticed a major change to a SwiftUI API behavior in iOS18.4beta1 which breaks my app's functionality, and I've started hearing from users running the new beta that the app doesn't correctly work for them anymore.
The problem is with views that contain a List with multiple-selection, and the contextMenu API applied with the ‘primaryAction’ callback that is triggered when the user taps on a row. Previously, if the user tapped on a row, this callback was triggered with the 'selectedItems' showing the tapped item. With iOS18.4beta, the same callback is triggered with ‘selectedItems’ being empty.
I have the code to demonstrate the problem:
struct ListSelectionTestView: View {
@State private var items: [TimedItem] = [
TimedItem(number: 1, timestamp: "2024-11-20 10:00"),
TimedItem(number: 2, timestamp: "2024-11-20 11:00"),
TimedItem(number: 3, timestamp: "2024-11-20 12:00")
@State var selectedItems = Set<TimedItem.ID>()
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List(selection: $selectedItems) {
ForEach(items) { item in
Text("Item \(item.number) - \(item.timestamp)")
.contextMenu(forSelectionType: TimedItem.ID.self, menu: {_ in
Button(action: {
print("button called - count = \(selectedItems.count)")
}) {
Label("Add Item", systemImage: "square.and.pencil")
}, primaryAction: {_ in
print("primaryAction called - count = \(selectedItems.count)")
struct TimedItem: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let number: Int
let timestamp: String
#Preview {
Running the same code on iOS18.2, and tapping on a row will print this to the console:
primaryAction called - count = 1
Running the same code on iOS18.4 beta1, and tapping on a row will print this to the console:
primaryAction called - count = 0
So users who were previously selecting an item from the row, and then seeing expected behavior with the selected item, will now suddenly tap on a row and see nothing. My app's functionality relies on the user selecting an item from a list to see another detailed view with the selected item's contents, and it doesn't work anymore.
This is a major regression issue. Please confirm and let me know. I have filed a feedback: FB16593120