ola muito boa noite, tenho um app que estou testando, coloquei no grupo interno e tudo bem, porem o grupo externo, não aparece disponível para que eu possa vincular a minha versão, assim não consigo disponibilizar para testadores externos, podem me ajudar?
Denis Fernandes
Posts under Beta tag
200 Posts
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Apology for repost. I needed to fix the tags for original thread.
On iOS 18.3, I noted that partition "HTTPCookiePropertyKey: StoragePartition" is not observed to be set for cookies returned from the wkwebview cookie store.
Now on 18.4 beta 4 we are now seeing those same cookies are populated with a partition property. Is there documentation for this change? Is it intended to be suddenly populated in 18.4?
Now that partition property is set, HTTPCookieStorage.shared.cookies(for: serverUri) doesn't seem to return the expected cookies correctly. For context, we are using the cookies extracted from wkwebview, setting them in HTTPCookieStorage.shared and using URLSession to make network calls outside the webivew. Works fine once I forcefully set partition on the cookie to nil.
More details on what the cookie looks like here: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/16906526
Hopefully this is on your radar?
On iOS 18.3, I noted that partition "HTTPCookiePropertyKey: StoragePartition" is not observed to be set for cookies returned from the wkwebview cookie store.
Now on 18.4 beta 4 we are now seeing those same cookies are populated with a partition property. Is there documentation for this change? Is it intended to be suddenly populated in 18.4?
Now that partition property is set, HTTPCookieStorage.shared.cookies(for: serverUri) doesn't seem to return the expected cookies correctly. For context, we are using the cookies extracted from wkwebview, setting them in HTTPCookieStorage.shared and using URLSession to make network calls outside the webivew. Works fine once I forcefully set partition on the cookie to nil.
More details on what the cookie looks like here:
Hopefully this is on your radar?
as title suggests i want to reset adID on my iphone
When I run the new Processor Trace instrument on a simple C or C++ console app, it hangs in "Analyzing - Transferring data" upon finishing the measurement.
When I run it without any other instrument, I get the error:
Failed to stop recording session: Data Providers emitted errors: CPUTrace
Any ideas what I could try, or how to get a more verbose log of this failure?
Best, Ronny
P.S.: I'm using a Macbook Pro M4 Pro 14". MacOs Version 15.4 Beta (24E5228e)
since updating from 18.3 to 18.4, both on cellular and WiFi Networks I can’t connect to the internet.
Since the phone wont connect to the internet I’m not able to turn off “find my iPhone“ to restore my iPhone to iOS 18.3
this way my iPhone is useless
any ideas / thoughts about this?
I am getting this crash specific to iOS 18.4. This has happened only on iPad, combined with 18.4. I do not what is causing the crash. I am unable to reproduce the crash. Crash report attached at the bottom of the post.
Thank you.
after updating to beta 4 the whole phone is not working anymore
nothing is working only making calls and the camera
no apps no internet even if it's connected to wifi or 5G
ANd to get back to the old version you will lose your backup
And now im stuck my data that i can't restore it cuz it have been made on the last IOS beta
I don't want to lose my date and i don't know what to do
Please help
For 9 Glorious Months, My MacBook Pro & J5 Create JCD543 HUB Were Best Friends… Until I Updated macOS
For nearly a year, my MacBook Pro 14” (2023, M2 Pro, 16GB RAM) worked flawlessly with my J5 Create JCD543 HUB, allowing me to run:
✅ 4 External Displays (Samsung, LG, Insignia, Samsung)
A setup that worked perfectly… until I updated macOS.
Then Came the Update… and the Issues Began
First, I updated last week. Two of my four displays stopped working. No big deal, I thought—I’ve dealt with display quirks before.
Then, like an optimist ignoring red flags, I updated again last night to 15.4 Beta (24E5222f) and… well, now things are completely broken.
My Once-Perfect Setup (Now a Display Disaster)
JCD543 HUB → 2 HDMI displays (not working)
JUD380 HUB → 1 HDMI display (partially working, unstable)
MacBook HDMI port → 1 HDMI display (working, but feeling abandoned)
JCA365 USB-C to Dual HDMI Adapter (Not part of my setup, but tested—also not working)
What I’ve Tried (aka My Troubleshooting Journey)
✔ Restarted my Mac multiple times
✔ Uninstalled and reinstalled J5 drivers
✔ Swapped cables, unplugged/replugged everything, tested known-working HDMI cables (they work fine on other devices)
✔ Deleted /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.displays.plist (this fixed a similar issue in the past, but the file no longer exists in this update)
The Likely Culprit?
It seems to be a J5 driver issue triggered by the macOS update—and I’m not alone. Others are reporting similar problems.
Apple… Any Fixes?
I just want my four screens back. The setup worked flawlessly for 9 months, so it’s hard to believe it was never meant to work.
If anyone has a workaround, I’m open to testing any solution—whether it’s a driver update, system tweak, or hidden macOS setting that might bring my displays back to life.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
(P.S. Apple, if you’re reading this—please look into this issue!)
On macOS 15.4 beta 2 (24E5222f), the back button is not visible when navigating from a view with no toolbar to a view with a toolbar button. The back button is visible on macOS 15.3.1 and earlier versions.
Also, the toolbar button shown when run on macOS 15.4 beta 2 is truncated.
This is how it looks on macOS 15.4 beta 2:
And this is how it looks on macOS 15.3.1 and earlier:
Feedback ID: FB16743834
ISAC Client is crashing on macOS 15.4 Beta 1 which is from from the WebKit engine the underlying framework of WKWebView. And the "ResourceLoadNotifier" is from WebKit's internal framework.It seems to be related to resource loading failure which is potentially triggered by changes in macOS 15.4 Beta.
UITextView crash when setting attributed text that contains substring ffi and attributedText contains NSFontAttributeName, NSForegroundColorAttributeName
Reproducible case:
UITextView *textView = [[UITextView alloc] init];
textView.attributedText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"ffi" attributes:@{
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: [self createParagraphOfLineHeight:20],
NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize weight:UIFontWeightRegular],
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.black
My iPhone 11 has iOS 18.4 Beta and my new iPhone 16e isn’t supported for iOS 18.4 Beta (for now) and is on iOS 18.3.1 Beta. If anyone knows when it’ll be supported please let me know.
Hi all,
With version 18.4 beta, I have a problem with the display of webviews in the app. In particular, the app of my bank has webviews inside it, and as they are not loading, I am unable to access it. Can you help me? Thank you.
Getting cannot parse response on all downalod tasks. Example output
"BackgroundDownloadTask <E277D3D6-2FF0-4574-A617-1612ED779151>.<1>",
"LocalDownloadTask <E277D3D6-2FF0-4574-A617-1612ED779151>.<1>"
), NSLocalizedDescription=cannot parse response, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ESP7536701051.mp3?updated=1740573440, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ESP7536701051.mp3?updated=1740573440}
Can't seem to find a workaround that i can push for app to work with 18.4 beta. Can't believe that beta went to the public.
I have noticed a major change to a SwiftUI API behavior in iOS18.4beta1 which breaks my app's functionality, and I've started hearing from users running the new beta that the app doesn't correctly work for them anymore.
The problem is with views that contain a List with multiple-selection, and the contextMenu API applied with the ‘primaryAction’ callback that is triggered when the user taps on a row. Previously, if the user tapped on a row, this callback was triggered with the 'selectedItems' showing the tapped item. With iOS18.4beta, the same callback is triggered with ‘selectedItems’ being empty.
I have the code to demonstrate the problem:
struct ListSelectionTestView: View {
@State private var items: [TimedItem] = [
TimedItem(number: 1, timestamp: "2024-11-20 10:00"),
TimedItem(number: 2, timestamp: "2024-11-20 11:00"),
TimedItem(number: 3, timestamp: "2024-11-20 12:00")
@State var selectedItems = Set<TimedItem.ID>()
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List(selection: $selectedItems) {
ForEach(items) { item in
Text("Item \(item.number) - \(item.timestamp)")
.contextMenu(forSelectionType: TimedItem.ID.self, menu: {_ in
Button(action: {
print("button called - count = \(selectedItems.count)")
}) {
Label("Add Item", systemImage: "square.and.pencil")
}, primaryAction: {_ in
print("primaryAction called - count = \(selectedItems.count)")
struct TimedItem: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let number: Int
let timestamp: String
#Preview {
Running the same code on iOS18.2, and tapping on a row will print this to the console:
primaryAction called - count = 1
Running the same code on iOS18.4 beta1, and tapping on a row will print this to the console:
primaryAction called - count = 0
So users who were previously selecting an item from the row, and then seeing expected behavior with the selected item, will now suddenly tap on a row and see nothing. My app's functionality relies on the user selecting an item from a list to see another detailed view with the selected item's contents, and it doesn't work anymore.
This is a major regression issue. Please confirm and let me know. I have filed a feedback: FB16593120
I've just installed the iOS 18.4 beta but I can't access features like Genmojis or others. I don't understand why knowing that I have the iPhone 16.
Could someone help me?
I've just installed the iOS 18.4 beta but I can't access features like Genmojis or others. I don't understand why knowing that I have the iPhone 16.
Could someone help me?
best regars
I have three disk partitions on my MacBook Air M1.
The one with Monterey, the one with Sonoma, and the one with Sequoia (15.3.1 in particular).
When I try to download the 15.4 Beta from software update in settings, everything would go "fine" - the download process is being completed, the computer says it's going to restart in 60seconds, the countdown begins, etc.
However, when restarting several times, I am being logged in once again into previous macOS (15.3.1) version, with a kernel panic report. I had the same panic on macOS 15.3 when attempting to download 15.4 Beta. I've upgraded my macOS to 15.3.1, as I thought I'd need the very last available version of regular macOS to participate in the newest beta.
However, the panic occurs, pointing to some t8020dart.c file. I don't even theoretically know what is this and couldn't find any reference to that C file.
Attaching a part of panic report:
panic(cpu 3 caller 0x0): t8020dart 0xfffffdf02c980000 (dart-disp0): Can't ignore lock validation @t8020dart.c:535
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0xff
OS release type: Not set yet
OS version: Not set yet
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.4.0: Sat Feb 15 22:43:38 PST 2025; root:xnu-11417.100.533.501.4~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103
Fileset Kernelcache UUID: 232D67A6D42C66E14780A24B3C0AE05D
Kernel UUID: F2602757-A486-30A9-8D8E-714224E5FE4A
Boot session UUID: 575CD5EA-6898-47ED-9AEC-05E318135695
iBoot version: iBoot-11881.100.964.0.1
iBoot Stage 2 version: iBoot-11881.100.964.0.1
secure boot?: YES
roots installed: 0
Paniclog version: 14
KernelCache slide: 0x00000000181d8000
KernelCache base: 0xfffffe001f1dc000
Kernel slide: 0x00000000181e0000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffe001f1e4000
Kernel text exec slide: 0x00000000198d0000
Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe00208d4000
mach_absolute_time: 0x85b39c4
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Calendar: 0x00000000 0x00000000
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xfffffe120c000000 - 0xfffffe380c000000
. VM : 0xfffffe120c000000 - 0xfffffe17d8000000
. RO : 0xfffffe17d8000000 - 0xfffffe1a72000000
. GEN0 : 0xfffffe1a72000000 - 0xfffffe203e000000
. GEN1 : 0xfffffe203e000000 - 0xfffffe260a000000
. GEN2 : 0xfffffe260a000000 - 0xfffffe2bd6000000
. GEN3 : 0xfffffe2bd6000000 - 0xfffffe31a2000000
. DATA : 0xfffffe31a2000000 - 0xfffffe380c000000
Metadata: 0xfffffe76ce010000 - 0xfffffe76d7810000
Bitmaps : 0xfffffe76d7810000 - 0xfffffe76d8d80000
Extra : 0 - 0
CORE 0 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0
CORE 1 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0
CORE 2 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0
CORE 3 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9b9ec
CORE 4 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0
CORE 5 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0
CORE 6 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0
CORE 7 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0
TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xfffffe2040392fb0 0: 0x0000000000000003 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 }
CORE 0 PVH locks held: None
CORE 1 PVH locks held: None
CORE 2 PVH locks held: None
CORE 3 PVH locks held: None
CORE 4 PVH locks held: None
CORE 5 PVH locks held: None
CORE 6 PVH locks held: None
CORE 7 PVH locks held: None
CORE 0: PC=0xfffffe002102157c, LR=0xfffffe0021021568, FP=0xfffffebf22637890
CORE 1: PC=0xfffffe00210207a4, LR=0xfffffe0020fe4eb0, FP=0xfffffebf2262b890
CORE 2: PC=0xfffffe002094c790, LR=0xfffffe002094c63c, FP=0xfffffebf22643890
CORE 3 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.
CORE 4: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2213fed0
CORE 5: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf22163ed0
CORE 6: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2216fed0
CORE 7: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2211bed0
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Panicked task 0xfffffe260c042b78: 0 pages, 268 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Panicked thread: 0xfffffe2040392fb0, backtrace: 0xfffffebf22666920, tid: 279
lr: 0xfffffe00209332bc fp: 0xfffffebf226669b0
lr: 0xfffffe0020a93cdc fp: 0xfffffebf22666a20
lr: 0xfffffe0020a91e94 fp: 0xfffffebf22666ae0
lr: 0xfffffe00208dbb94 fp: 0xfffffebf22666af0
lr: 0xfffffe0020932ba0 fp: 0xfffffebf22666ec0
lr: 0xfffffe0020932924 fp: 0xfffffe0031577e90
lr: 0xfffffe00211cb198 fp: 0xfffffe0031577eb0
lr: 0xfffffe002120aae4 fp: 0xfffffe0031577f80
lr: 0xfffffe00211f9104 fp: 0xfffffe0031577fe0
lr: 0xfffffe00208dc3fc fp: 0xfffffebf22666ee0
lr: 0xfffffe0020a82d74 fp: 0xfffffebf22666f30
lr: 0xfffffe00222f9964 fp: 0xfffffebf22667c00
lr: 0xfffffe002107c198 fp: 0xfffffebf22667c90
lr: 0xfffffe002107b79c fp: 0xfffffebf22667dc0
lr: 0xfffffe002107963c fp: 0xfffffebf22667e40
lr: 0xfffffe002107ffc8 fp: 0xfffffebf22667f20
lr: 0xfffffe00208e4f04 fp: 0x0000000000000000
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleARMPlatform(1.0.2)[4EB15554-31E0-3057-9A85-EAA79C69E848]@0xfffffe0021369200->0xfffffe00213bf21f
dependency: com.apple.driver.IODARTFamily(1)[8FC5A69F-6052-3F02-9EA3-78D080116812]@0xfffffe0022ec6750->0xfffffe0022eda9cf
last started kext at 139867172: com.apple.plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 1340.12 (addr 0xfffffe001fba3f70, size 139368)
I've been seeing a high number of BGTaskScheduler related crashes, all of them coming from iOS 18.4. I've encountered this myself once on launch upon installing my app, but haven't been able to reproduce it since, even after doing multiple relaunches and reinstalls. Crash report attached at the bottom of this post.
I am not even able to symbolicate the reports despite having the archive on my MacBook:
Does anyone know if this is an iOS 18.4 bug or am I doing something wrong when scheduling the task? Below is my code for scheduling the background task on the view that appears when my app launches:
.onChange(of: scenePhase) { newPhase in
if newPhase == .active {
#if !os(macOS)
let request = BGAppRefreshTaskRequest(identifier: "notifications")
request.earliestBeginDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .hour, value: 3, to: Date())
do {
try BGTaskScheduler.shared.submit(request)
Logger.notifications.log("Background task scheduled. Earliest begin date: \(request.earliestBeginDate?.description ?? "nil", privacy: .public)")
} catch let error {
// print("Scheduling Error \(error.localizedDescription)")
Logger.notifications.error("Error scheduling background task: \(error.localizedDescription, privacy: .public)")