Accessing AV External Storage

Is it possible to use the AVExternalStorageDevice to access external storage from a connected camera or usb drive (via USB C or Lightning connector) on an iPad/iPhone.

I have tested the following code on an iPhone 14 (iOS 18.1.1) and an iPad Gen 10 (18.3.1), and both return false for:

// returns false on iPhone 14, iPad gen 10

The following code returns null, when I try to access the external storage discovery session.

// returns null on iOS devices

The following returns false, without displaying a permission dialog:

   AVExternalStorageDevice.requestAccess(completionHandler: { (granted: Bool) in
     // returns false with no permission dialog

What type of iOS devices are supported by AVExternalStorageDeviceDiscoverySession?

What situations has it been used for (e.g. connecting to Camera via the external storage protocol, accessing photos from a SD card with an adapter, accessing photos from usb drive).

Is there are sample code for using the AV External Storage api?

Accessing AV External Storage