We are trying to implement saving and fetching data to and from iCloud, but it have some problems.
MacOS: 15.3
Here is what I do:
Enable Game Center and iCloud capbility in Signing & Capabilities, pick iCloud Documents, create and select a Container.
Sample code:
void SaveDataToCloud( const void* buffer, unsigned int datasize, const char* name )
if(!GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer.authenticated) return;
NSData* data = [ NSData dataWithBytes:databuffer length:datasize];
NSString* filename = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:name ];
[[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] saveGameData:data withName:filename completionHandler:^(GKSavedGame * _Nullable savedGame, NSError * _Nullable){
if (error != nil)
NSLog( @"SaveDataToCloud error:%@", [ error localizedDescription ] );
void FetchCloudSavedGameData()
if ( !GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer.authenticated ) return;
[ [ GKLocalPlayer localPlayer ] fetchSavedGamesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray<GKSavedGame *> * _Nullable savedGames, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if ( error == nil )
for ( GKSavedGame *item in savedGames )
[ item loadDataWithCompletionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if ( error == nil )
//handle data
NSLog( @"FetchCloudSavedGameData failed to load iCloud file: %@, error:%@", item.name, [ error localizedDescription ] );
} ];
NSLog( @"FetchCloudSavedGameData error:%@", [ error localizedDescription ] );
} ];
Both saveGameData and fetchSavedGamesWithCompletionHandler are not reporting any error, when debugging, saveGameData completionHandler got a nil error, and can get a valid "savedGame", but when try to rebot the game and use "fetchSavedGamesWithCompletionHandler" to fetch data, we got nothing, no error reported, and the savedGames got a 0 length.
From this page https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/718541?answerId=825596022#825596022 we try to wait 30sec after authenticated , then try fetchSavedGamesWithCompletionHandler, still got the same error.
- Game Center and iCloud are enabled and login with the same account.
- iCloud have enough space to save.
So what's wrong with it.