Error "The operation couldn't be completed. (CPSErrorDomain error 2.)" in AppClip sheet

A few days ago scanning NFC tags or QR codes for AppClips with advanced experiences started showing the error "The operation couldn't be completed. (CPSErrorDomain error 2.)" in the AppClip sheet as seen here:

We are providing AppClips to our customers and they trust AppClips to always work, since it is a big part of their business.

Since this is happening at our customers phones and on the phones of their customers, I don't have a sysdiagnose.

I already created a feedback entry about this FB16601674.

We checked everything, our AASA file, the Appstore Experiences.

We had another bug with this AppClip sheet, where it's shown for a split second and then the user is forwarded to the website instead.

I don’t have any great experience in App Clips but I wanted to wade in on this bit:

Written by chbeer in 775316021
CPSErrorDomain error 2.

Error 2 translates to something like ‘clip URL unavailable’. It can be raised in a bunch of different circumstances, so it’s hard to offer specific advice based just on that error.

Written by chbeer in 775316021
I don't have a sysdiagnose.

Given the above, I fear that it’ll be hard to make progress on this without one )-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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@DTS Engineer / Quinn, I was able to reproduce the CPSErrorDomain error 2 while writing a sysdiagnose.

I attached a screenshot and the sysdiagnose file to

I am looking forward to your analysis, if possible.

As soon as the AppClip specialist is back, I would be very interested into a DTS call if we can further help investigating this problem.

Finding a solution is extremely important for us and our customers.

I am facing this exact same issue. App clips have recently become very inconsistent.

@chbeer, @vemos_io

The operation couldn't be completed. (CPSErrorDomain error 2.)"

The above error code indicates a poor network connection: No Wifi and cellular connection.

If you use iCloud and have a cellular connection (no Wifi), confirm Cellular is enabled for iCloud (Settings > Cellular > iCloud Drive) on your device.

Error "The operation couldn't be completed. (CPSErrorDomain error 2.)" in AppClip sheet