App Clips

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Provide a way to quickly access and experience what your app has to offer. An app clip is a small part of your app that lets users start and finish an experience in seconds, even before downloading your app.

Posts under App Clips tag

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App clip size with dependency SDK in it.
I just started with App Clips so quite new to it. One of our dependencies is very big in size (85+ MB) which is making the app size almost 87MB's uncompressed and 40MB's compressed with just this dependency and no other app clip related code in it. I created a App Thinning size report for the app clip and even with bigger app clip size, I decided to upload the beta build to App Store Connect for testing purposes. On App Store Connect, app clip size is 70+ MB and to my surprise it passed the App Store Connect review and I was able to install this app clip on my device from Test Flight. If I add functionality to the app clip with this bigger dependency SDK, then the app clip size is going to increase further and am worried that it could get rejected when I push it to app store. Minimum iOS version of the app is 16.4, so my understanding is that the maximum app clip size allowed is 15MB. Am trying to figure out, how the app clip build was approved on app store connect and if dependency sizes in app clips are ignored? Attaching screenshot of App Thinning report and screenshot of App Store Connect build with this App Clip.
App Clip Card Not Appearing Again After "Show in Safari"
I created an App Clip for my app and added the necessary meta tag to my website. When I initially opened the URL in Safari, the App Clip card appeared and worked as expected. However, after tapping "Show in Safari" on the App Clip card once, it never appeared again. Now, I only see the App Clip banner at the top of the page, but the full card does not show up anymore. Is this expected behavior and is there a time limit before it can be shown again?
Coretelephony usage in Applcips
My main app does have entitlement to access Coretelphony, i would like to use the same with Appclips, though i was able to add the entitlement to appclip profile, i am unable to create archive for Testflight, i am seeing missing esim profile capabilities, is this not supported in appclips at the moment?
App clip - Cannot Reach AASA File
I have an app binary (com.BinaryJigsaw.PlanHub) that includes an app clip that has been reviewed and approved. I have three domains in the associated domains, set in xcode. I have my AASA file up and running on my domain (not the others yet - just trying to get this one working first!), but I am not able to set up an app clip experience. When I enter the URL ( in App Store Connect I get: "This URL is not contained in your app’s associated domains. Update associated domains or use a different URL." If I look at the domain URL status for the build it says: "Cannot Reach AASA File". That seems to be incorrect as I run this test from terminal and get a 200 response and the json file is returned. curl -v The bundle IDs in the AASA file match my app and app clip. Any help appreciated!
HELP: App Clip Card Doesn't Appear!
I integrated an Advanced App Clip Experience to my app. In trying to test the App Clip Card, the card does not appear when I tap the link on my device that is associated to the Advanced App Clip Experience. Listed are some contextual information: Testing on device running on iOS 18.3.1 Associated Domains: Main target app: applinks: App clips target app: applinks: and appclips: Archived and uploaded build to App Store Connect. Green "Testing" status via Testflight. On Distribution tab, green "Valid" status for build domain. Advanced App Clip Experience green "Received" status. Developer App Clip Testing Diagnostics: Green "Register Advanced Experience" status Green "App Clip Code" status Warning "App Clip Published on App Store" Orange Circle "Associated Domains" After looking at countless threads, I still cannot for the life of me find a solution to test the App Clip. Any guidance would be extremely appreciated. I had also submitted a support ticket with case ID #102552504973.
App clips QR code is not being recognized and has become unreliable
Hello! We are writing as we recently have started receiving complaints that the app clips QR codes aren't working well. Users scanning QR codes will be taken to the website, where they don't even get the app clip banner. It seems to be a recent change, as we started getting complaints about it. I have also noticed this on IOS 17 and IOS 18 devices. Our application with this app clip has been live for over a year and we haven't had issues before. Example 1: The user scans an app clip QR code, but sees url and opening just loads the website. It doesn't show even the app clip banner. After moving back to the camera app and rescanning the QR code it shows the app clip correctly. Also now going back to the website shows the banner popup. Example 2: I scan app clip QR code. It shows just the website url. I scan another app clip QR code it loads that correctly. Now when I scan the first app clip QR code again it shows it also correctly now. Example 3: I scan app clip QR code. It shows website url instead of app clip. When I open IOS control center and close it then the camera app refreshes and it shows the app clip button instead the web link. I have videos of all of these cases that I could upload somewhere if needed. As it seems some links are not allowed here. Let me know if you need any more input.
Degraded App Clip Performance Over Last Few Weeks
Over the past two weeks, we have noticed widespread degraded performance in iOS devices not recognizing when links are App Clips. When scanning the QR code, it identifies it as a link, not an App Clip link and tries to open the link via Safari. Once in Safari, it still prompts the user to download the full app and not open the App Clip. Scanning with the Control Center "Scan Code" button gives an indication that it understands it's an App Clip link, but still does not open it correctly. In some cases, it will say "App Clip Unavailable" which is simply not true. After a few scans of the same QR code, the iOS device will correct itself and open the correct App Clip. There is no consistency and/or reason why it would do this. We have had a massive influx of users complaining that it's not opening the App Clip correctly. We have not changed anything on our website or app that would alter the efficacy of this issue. Have tested on a variety of different iOS devices on a variety of different operating systems (iPads, iPhones, iOS 16, iOS 18, etc) and they all have started behaving this same way. In addition, we've tested on other apps with App Clips and they are experiencing the same issue. My guess is that there is something happening on Apple's side with apple-app-site-association issues. We reported via Feedback Assistant but have yet to hear from anyone from Apple to acknowledge this is a widespread issue.
App Clip Closes Before SKOverlay Can Show “Open” Button When Live Activity Is Involved
I have an App Clip that uses SKOverlay.AppClipConfiguration to install the full app. Before I added a Live Activity call (Activity.request), the user could see “Install,” then “Open.” Now, once “Get” is tapped, the Clip immediately closes—no “Open” button appears. If I remove the Live Activity code, it works again. I’ve confirmed that parent/child entitlements match, and tested via TestFlight. Is there a known issue or recommended workaround for combining SKOverlay + Live Activities in an App Clip so it doesn’t dismiss prematurely? Any insights are appreciated! Note live activity is for App Clip only.
Above Xcode16 operation project, in the project use AVPictureInPictureController opportunities (PIP) function open system blackout
I found that when the development tool above Xcode16 ran my app, I opened the suspended inscription function, and then opened the system camera, the content in the suspended window would not be displayed, and the suspended window would have a black screen. However, this phenomenon does not appear on Xcode15.4 development tools, it is the same code, I do not know why
Error "The operation couldn't be completed. (CPSErrorDomain error 2.)" in AppClip sheet
A few days ago scanning NFC tags or QR codes for AppClips with advanced experiences started showing the error "The operation couldn't be completed. (CPSErrorDomain error 2.)" in the AppClip sheet as seen here: We are providing AppClips to our customers and they trust AppClips to always work, since it is a big part of their business. Since this is happening at our customers phones and on the phones of their customers, I don't have a sysdiagnose. I already created a feedback entry about this FB16601674. We checked everything, our AASA file, the Appstore Experiences.
How to create a second target for an app with a linked App Clip?
I have a SwiftuI App which includes an App Clip. There is one target for the iOS app and one for the App Clip. All good. But I want to create a new target for the test flight app so that test users can distinguish it from the App Store app. E.g. Test Flight app has a different icon asset file in the target but is identical in all other aspects. However, when I try to build the test flight target I see the message: The entitlement (...]') of an App Clip must match the application-identifier entitlement ('...') of its containing parent app. This implies that I’d have to change the entitlement of the app clip, which would mess up the production version so I clearly don’t want to go that route. Any ideas how to overcome this conflict?
Feb ’25
New Target for project with an App Clip
I have a SwiftuI App which includes an App Clip. There is one target for the iOS app and one for the App Clip. All good. But I want to create a new target for the test flight app so that test users can distinguish it from the App Store app. E.g. Test Flight app has a different icon Asset file in the target but includes all the other source code files. However, when I try to build the test flight target I see the message: The entitlement (...]') of an App Clip must match the application-identifier entitlement ('...') of its containing parent app. I can't figure how to do this without messing up the original production App. Any ideas?
Feb ’25
How to Confirm Wi-Fi Connection Success in App Clip Without Access Wi-Fi Information Entitlement?
My app helps users connect to Wi-Fi networks, and I have requested the Access Wi-Fi information entitlement. This allows the app to retrieve the current Wi-Fi information to ensure the user’s connection is successful. Now, we are trying to implement an App Clip that enables users to connect to a specific Wi-Fi network through a QR code scan or NFC in certain scenarios. In the App Clip, I’ve requested the Hotspot entitlement, which allows the app to use the hotspot manager to configure Wi-Fi networks. However, since I cannot access the current Wi-Fi information in the App Clip, I’m unable to confirm whether the connection was successful.
Feb ’25
App Download Banner in App Clip downloads but does NOT open app
In our app clip, we open/show the full app download banner. We used to have the expected behavior, but with seemingly no changes to the app download banner code we have the following issue. Expected behavior: App download banner shows in app clip, user presses "Get" button, app is downloaded and installs, "Get" button changes to "Open" button (note: button is blue), user presses "Open" button and the full app is opened. Current behavior: App download banner shows in app clip, user presses "Get" button, app is downloaded and installs, "Get" button changes to "Open" button (note: button is now grey), user presses "Open" button but nothing happens. With the current behavior, the full app is correctly downloaded and the appclip removes itself from the phone, but the open button does nothing.
Feb ’25
Transfer App Clip Registered Urls to new binary
I was forced by App Review to release a new app binary due to significant rebranding. My existing app used app clips and registered afew advanced app clip experience urls. I published a new binary but the app clips no longer work. Old binary bundle id: App Clip Advanced Experience Url: New binary bundle id: New App Clip Advanced Experience URL: Error Message: This URL is already registered as an App Clip Experience.
Feb ’25
App Clip show "App Clip Unavailable" only when the main app is not installed
After uploading the app to App Store Connect, Apple automatically generated a Default App Clip Link. However, the App Clip card only opens successfully if the main app is already installed on the device. If the main app is not installed, the App Clip card displays an image and the message "App Clip Unavailable" What could cause this behavior, and how do I ensure the App Clip works without requiring the main app to be installed?
Feb ’25
Local storage/db of WKWebView in App Clips and installed Apps
Hello, I am studying a possible scenario. Let's say I create an App Clip that features a WKWebView. The WKWebView hosts a sort of webapp that uses local storage and IndexDB. When the complete app is installed, are the data persisted so the WKWebView of the complete app finds them as it was reading them before? Are the data transferred by the operating system to a new location but still accessed the same way by the WKWebView (Or even the location is the same because it is the WKWebView special storage)? Or are they wiped out? Thank you in advance Best regards
Jan ’25
App Clip not being released
Hi, hi We recently released a new version of our app that included an app clip. The actual app has been approved and released to the store but it seem that the app clip is not getting much love and not getting released. When we check the associated url in the diagnostics tools it just reports back that the app clip is not released and when I look into the advanced experience tab for in app store connect the status is just stuck in "Received". This app clip is a critical feature of our app so it would be great if anyone it would not be stuck in this limbo. Has anyone had similar experience ?
Feb ’25
Smart Banner for Testflight App
Hi, I am wondering if anyone has experience with Smart Banners for an application not released on the app store, but still in TestFlight, specifically an AppClip. I am working on an exisiting project where a Smart Clip is used with a smart banner on the website for core functionality. Previously, even in test environment (app is in test flight and not app store) the smart banner would correctly show on the website and allow testers to launch the app clip experience, however this no longer seems to work. Its noted the test environment was last tested and deployed 2 years ago, and was working correctly, and there have been no changes to the website (the meta tag and .aasa file are all setup correctly). The only recent change was upgrading the app to support the latest iOS version, however beyond that no functionality in the app has changed. Apple developer support hasn't been very helpful, and reviewed our account and stated "everything appears to be running as expected on our end" Has something changed in Safari in that it no longer accepts test flight app smart banners, and if it doesn't, does anyone have any other suggestions? Cheers
Jan ’25